b'A Black Civil War Veteran ArrestedPresident Ulysses S. Grant for Speedingfrom BlackMansStreet.today speeding again along 13thsitting president.andMStreets,butthisWestwasbornin timeWestarrestedhim, September1842to W hile the nation and much of the world waitexplaining that he had aenslavedunnamedpar-to see if former President Donald Trump isjob to do.entsinPrinceGeorges indicted, he wont be the first President arrestedIamverysorry,Mr.Country, Virginia. and charged with a crime while still in office. President, to have to do it,In1863,hejoinedthe ThatdubioushonorbelongstoUlyssesS.for you are the chief of theUnionArmyandfought Grant, the 18th president of the United States,nation and I am nothingin the Civil War. He was who served from 1869 to 1877. He was also thebut a policeman, but dutyasoldierinCompany CommandingGeneraloftheUnionArmythatisaduty,sir,andIwillK,30thUnitedStates defeated the Confederacy. havetoplaceyouunderColoredInfantry,anall-William Henry West was a former slave, a veter- arrest," West said. Blackunitcreatedby an of the American Civil War, and the first of twoPresidentGrantwastheUnitedStatesWar BlackpoliceofficershiredbytheWashington,takentothepolicesta- Department. The Infantry D. C., police department during Reconstruction.tion where paid a $20 finewascomposedofBlack West joined the department in August 1871. andwasreleased.Inall,troopsledbyWhiteoffi-In 1872, West was on duty when he stoppedPresidentGrantreceivedcers. aspeedingcarriagebecausetherehadbeenathree citations for speed- HemarriedKathrine number of accidents involving racing carriagesing in a horse-drawn car- Kate Bowie on June 11, and pedestrians. When West looked inside theriage during his tenure as1867, in Washington D.C. carriage, he recognized President Grant.president. William Henry West The couple raised six chil-West stopped President Grant while patrollingWestsarrestofGrantdren. near 13th and M Streets in NW in Washington,wasnotcontroversial.Westretiredfromthe D.C.andgavehimawarningfordrivinghisThepresidentadmittedthatheknewhewaspolice department in September 1901. He died horse-drawn carriage at excessive speed. speeding and deserved to be arrested for whatonSeptember15,1915,inWashington,D.C., Thenextday,WestsawPresidentGranthe had done. This is the first known arrest of aat 73.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS APRIL 2023 follow us onfacebook 5'