b"New Hope Baptist Church Womens DayT he 71st Annual Womens Day Celebrationyour curiosity thru extensive research into its of New Hope Baptist Church led by Firstcontext and scholarship. She forged ahead Lady Nichelle Downing with Co-Chairs Keishainherformidablesermonamidstconstant GivnerandMichelleRuffins,wasasmashhallelujahs and standing ovations from the hitandspirit-filledsuccess.2023activitiesaudience of men, women and children. After includedaPrayerBreakfastinNewHopesthe death of her husband in 2020, Rev Jacque Family Life Center, Saturday March 11 (guestleft pastoring in Illinois to accept a position speaker Michelle Simmons, LPC, APC) and aofAsst.tothePastorforsmallgroups.at revivalstyleSundayWorshipwithgloriousthe historic Alfred Street Baptist Church in musicbythespecialWomensDayChoirAlexandria, Virginia. These Colorado women directed by Jocelyn Keel. The Sunday morn- adorned in their fiery red and cream fashions ing March 12 speaker. Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque,completely enjoyed the in-person fellowship, D.Min.,Div.,ThD.,electrifiedworshippersand Dr. Jacque, a New Hope favorite, did not with her trademark approach to preaching,disappoint as she delivered an unforgettable Never preach a text until you have satisfiedWord from GodSylMorganSmith,Communicatorand CommunityLeader,wasoneofthefirst African American television news anchorwom-en in Colorado. She was a weather forecaster, sportscaster, television talk show host, news-papereditor,andpopularradioannouncer andnewscaster.In31years,shehonored more than 450 individuals and organizations forexcellenceinChristianandcommunity service, as the Founder and President of the ColoradoGospelMusicAcademy&Hallof Fame. She served on many boards of directors including Children's Hospital, First Interstate Bank,andMetroDenverUrbanLeague.At New Hope Baptist Church she serves as an ordained deacon and member of the Majestic Praise Choir.COGIC HonorsT he Sacred Service of Emeritizing Church ofGodInChrists(COGIC)District Louvenia Craft Missionary Louvenia Craft was held Sunday, March 19, 2023 at the Colorado Jurisdiction Headquarters in Aurora, Colorado. Choosing to step-down at age 90, Missionary Craft has been a District Missionary for more than 40 years, and is a known visionary legend for hereffectiveworkinthewomensdepart-ment of bands and units. Craft will be fol-lowedbyDistrictMissionaryLavernMills. Hats off to Colorados Jurisdictional Prelate, theHonorableBishopW.H.McDonald, the remarkable Colorado Supervisor Bettie Peterson,theCOJurisdictionalFirstLady Mother Janice McDonald, Central District 1st Lady Evangelist Missionary Corazon Sudds, and Central District Supt. Pastor Roy Sudds, for this historic first in COGIC history. Job welldoneMissionaryCraft,wordscame from keynote speaker Dr. Norma Robertson ofNewYork,theIntlPresident,District MissionaryUnit,Region3TexasSouth Central Jurisdiction, Evangelist Lady DelorisShiloh Baptist Church 67 thAnniversaryFoster,andRegion2,MississippiSouthern Jurisdiction,1stLadyDorothyPreston.T he 67th Anniversary of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church Colorado District Missionaries were present,washeartwarmingandcomforting.Theoccasiondrew and they too enjoyed the melodious musicattention to the steadfast work or the church and its pastor of of Jurisdiction Praise Team and the Coloradomore than 55 years- the Rev. Willie C. Jones. Shiloh Church Jurisdiction Choir. The three Craft childrenandPastorJoneswereupliftedbythemasterfulsermon Mack Jr., Evangelist Missionary Lottie Wesleydelivered by Pastor Paul Burleson, Friendship Baptist Church and Paul Craft expressed love and pride inof Christ Jesus. Look forward to attend Shilohs Pastor and the never-ending work of their mother. Wife Anniversary in September, 202322 APRIL 2023 BOCNEWS.com"