b'FIELDS . from page 10reducegunviolenceofallkinds. Wearefightingtopasslawsthat will raise the minimum age to pur-chase a firearm, implement a three day waiting period for firearm pur-chases,andexpandandimprove ColoradosRedFlaglawwhich allowsindividualstofileextreme risk protection orders to temporar-ilyremovegunsfromapersonat dangertothemselvesorothers. Additionally,weareworkingon abilltoholdgunmanufacturers accountable for their actions so the same mistakes dont continue to be made over and over again.Ivealsointroducedlegislation thatwouldbanthepurchaseof assaultweaponsinColoradoand make it harder for weapons of war to wind up on our streets.Asastate,wemusttakeseri-ously the threat of gun violence all across Colorado. But, we also have to think locally about solutions that are specific and unique to our own communities.ThatswhyIalsohopetowork alongsidetheAuroraCityCouncil and community advocates on more localized efforts to reduce gun vio-lencesuchasgunfiredetection technology or license plate readers, sowecanbettertrackincidences of gun violence and understand the root of the problem.I believe that every Auroran and everyColoradandeservestofeel safe and secure in their community, whether theyre at home, at school, or at the grocery store. I dont want anyone to have to live in fear that their house might be in the way of a stray bullet like mine was. Thereisnosinglesolutionthat is going to eliminate gun violence. Its going to take all of us working together at every level to make real progress on this issue. Im commit-ted to doing the work to reduce gun violence and build a safer Colorado, andIhopeyouwillcontinueto keep our city in your prayers with love and support. Together, there is much more work for us to do.Senator Rhonda Fields repre-sentsSenateDistrict28,cov-eringpartsofArapahoeand Adams Counties14 APRIL 2023 BOCNEWS.com'