b'OPINIONTerrorists Funded by Your Tax DollarsBy TH Mack, Sr, APM, NABJ folks have profited, made careers privately, pub-licly, and even politically.But our community is still facing 250 years of TerrorismA re the Slave masters still running our mindsQuestion; whos monitoring this legal rhetoric, and bodies long after emancipation???Theseandthemanipulationoflawbytheso-called post abolition slave catchers are now called spe- judges?(Ephesians5:11)Thewholeinfamous cial units, by Police departments in Urban areas,slogan of, protecting and up-holding the law, butunfortunatelytheyrenotjustpaidbythehas the same currency value as a $3 dollar bill!!! slave master, but by your tax dollars. Five blackNO KNOCK warrants that have resulted in the terrorists were funded by the State of Tennessee,murders of innocent Americans, who happen to as well as Federal tax dollars.be Black. what a coincidence, a 250 year old Thevictimshavenowbecometheterrorists.coincidence with thousands of deaths to follow.These Terrorists happen to be Black males andHere are a few cities, you may or may-not have the Mastermind behind the terrorism, happensknownabout,thatweretaxfundedAmerican-tobeaBlackfemale.Theperversionofthisterrorist Acts: self-discrimination is disturbing and is a sign ofTulsa, OK; Colfax, LA Rosewood, FL; Atlanta, serious mental and emotional psychosis. MassaGAPhiladelphia,PA;LittleRock(Elaine),AR; gettn one dem who look like us to carry-out hisWashington,DC;Charleston,SC;Chicago,IL; deeds. Houston, TX And so many more.Hertrack-recordleadsbacktoAtlantawithBut, let us not forget one that was overlooked special slave catcher units.Rest in peace Ms.in our own backyard Greeley, Colorado.Kathryn Johnston A 92 year old Black women wrongfully murdered, by a special slave-catcherGreeley was a Black farming settlement; hope-unit under Cerelyn CJ Daviss leadership; nowfully history wont repeat its-self or the coward-the Police Chief of Memphis, Tennessee. ice leadership.(Mathew 20:16)Racism and Bigotry has a full grown bastardEconomic Terrorist Funded by Your Dollarschild to do its dirty-work, but it looks like youPeople, dont think for one minute that this is and me; and is most noted as him, her or they.the only kind of terrorism; there is terrorism by Folks, dont be so focused on the foot-soldiersystemicbehaviorthatsoverlookedeveryday. (the grunts) police, pay attention to the one whoLook at the services or lack of services depen-is giving orders to the Judges, signing no-knockdent on ZIP CODE. From not being able to buy warrants, the decision-maker who releases thea T-bone steak at your nearest grocer to inferior footsoldiersforlittletonobailmoneyafterapharmaceuticalsinlargechainpharmaciesin murder.your neighborhood. Or how about the health dis-(Romans 7:11)Some say, The devil is busy,parities, death and disease, look at cancer rates I say the devil is willing to work over-time!!! Aandotherterminallyilldiseasesthroughout 19thCenturyFrenchauthor(Baudelaire)oncemetro Denver by ZIP CODE.said, The greatest trick the devil ever pulled wasHow Long has the Black dollar been taken convincing the world he didnt exist.How longfor granted? Weve consistently been the number will we continue to just blame the grunt? When#1 consumer in this country; Denver, Colorado will our so-called leaders and lawyers, addressisnodifferent.Wespendonaverage5xthe the real criminal, the one who gave or authorizedamount per capita compared to other culturesthe orders.Weve focused on police for over 200ECONOMIC TERRORISM: the most inconspicu-years, and No-one has addressed the one whoous and un-noticed form of TERRORISM of them gives or authorizes their deeds; the judges, Why? all. (Proverbs 22:22)Be careful systemic racism looks very different, but yet the same outcomes. For example:Colorado Ranchers TerrorizedHealth Care Death rate for Blacks same diseases by Colorado Tax funded agency vs. White people in Colorado Isnt it interesting how so many lump them-Gas Prices(Same Corporation + Different Zip selves in with the Black Movement as it relatesCode = Cheaper Gastocivilrightswhenitsconvenientforthem, but now when it time to stand with us against Food Prices (Same item, Same grocer + Different Terroristic Acts taking place on American Soil,Neighborhood = Cheaper Prices & Cleaner Storeagainst Black Americans some-how there is a Tax&MillLevy(Schoolservices,Education, very shallow presence. Technology available) 5Gtowerseverywhere,butpoorserviceinWhere is the Governor of Colorado now? 80239, 80211, 80249 by All Carriers Where is the LGBTQ community now?GovernmentServices-DMV,ParkingTickets, long linesempty buildings WhereistheMexicancommunity(Hispanic Banks and the Federal resources given to them, Chamber) now? I spoke about this in 2016; -nothings changed;Where is the Native American community now?checktheCRAReportsonyourlocalbanksWhereistheColorado(BPOA)BlackPoliceYourdepositsbenefitsothers,notyourcom-Officers Association? munity GoodPeople,WEmustdothework(JamesWhere is the Colorado Black Women for Political2:14) Faith without works is dead, until next-Action (CBWPA)? time Blessings.This might look familiar to the ELDERS, thoseSources:Withothertaxfundedagenciesmissinginwho have lived long enough to remember. OnU.S. Dept of Corrections, The El Paso County Sherriff action,thereisalwayssomesupposedruleorNovember 12, 1938 Hitler did the same thing toDept,KingJamesBible,USHolocaustMemorial implied law that allows these abusive, illegal actstheJews,onlydifferencewasthathehadtheMuseum, National Police Misconduct Report, Georgia to exist until its one of the protected class.Ourcourage to openly call it a decree of EconomicBureau of Investigation, National Institute of Mental membershipasoneoftheprotectedclasshasLifeElimination.Callitwhatyouwant,theHealth,USCensusReport,USCenterforDisease been revoked; dont take my word for it, just looksame behavior is the same behavior; regardlessControl,FDICReports,USLibraryofCongress, at the un-armed MURDERS of Black men andof whos behind it.(Jeremiah 24:10) DukeUniversityCenterforDocumentarystudies, boys by Government funded agencies, Local andSouthern Poverty Law CenterFederal.However its more of the same behavior, 12 APRIL 2023 BOCNEWS.com'