b"Macedonia Women's DayT he Women of Macedonia Baptist Church came for high praise on their Annual Womens Day March 19, 2023. Chair Angelique Searuggs, with limitless assistance from Committee Members Patricia Badger- Alston,Rev.EulahBarnes,CarlaBurney,JasmyneGarrett,MirandaJumper,Dr.AgnesMartin,Tammie Nettles, Deborah Seawood, Joyce Walker, Tiffany Weightman and Shawn Weston . Dr.Michell Temple, the morning speaker was on fire as she dissected the theme. Sis. Veronica Luckett of King Baptist was the Guest soloist. And . Sis. Maxine Gatewood, Macedonias longtime Office Manager received a special award from Dr. Agnes Martin. The Womens choir gave soulful music, and the colors of the day were pink and white. Interim Pastor Rev. Dwight Seawood praised the women for hosting such a powerfully spiritual Day.Rev. Harris Family Sabbath Day Worship T heHouseofJoyMiracleDeliveranceandteaching,beautifullyexpressedwor-Church at 3082 Leyden Street was filledship and praise through a liturgical dance withtheHolySpiritonSaturday,Marchchoreographed to the song He Loves Me.11, 2023. Love, hope, and encouragementIn keeping with the theme, Elder Harris wereexpressedthroughoutthisexcep- message was a spiritual revival to the House tional Sabbath service as the congregationof Joy as he reassured them that the good-responded to the theme, God Kept Me,ness of the Lord would be visible in their withthankfulpraiseforGodsblessings.lives. His message of restoration was espe-The congregation rose to their feet, singingcially relevant during this celebration of 58 and clapping to the sounds of the Spirit ofyears in existence. Elder Harris recognition Graces rendition of the gospel song Heoftheirstrengthfollowingthedeathof Kept Me. They delivered a powerful per- their Pastor, Angelica Beechum, as a mani-formance of both acapella and instrumen- festation of what God can and will do.tal pieces. Overseer Elect Lady Carolyn Beechum of SpiritofGracewasfollowedbyPraisethe House of Joy, said, On March 11-12, in 4 G (four generations of Elder King H.2023, The House of Joy Miracle Deliverance HarrisfamilywhoflewinfromdifferentChurch embraced a new model of growth statestopraiseandcelebratewiththeand LOVE! Through the gathering of 4 gen-familypatriarch,ElderHarris. Theirheart- erations of the Pastor King H. Harris Family stirringversionofStoodontheBanksin our House, we demonstrated our desire of Jordan,amovingtributetoOverseertobranchoutfurtherinourcommunity; Carolyn J. Beechum, left barely a dry eye inbringingsoulstotheshoresofsalvation. the church. K. Hezekiah Harris bass voiceIt is our desire to strengthen and continue rang out the song So-So Good as a testi- the legacy of House of Joy through many monial to overcoming life's trials and tribu- generations to bind and strengthen them lations. Elder Harris daughter, Winifred R.by showing God's LOVE!Harris,well-knowninDenverfordancing Ministers O utraged Colorado Wives clergy, political Conference andciviclead-ershaveused T heDenvervarious formats Interdenominationalandforumsto MinistersWivesandexpresstheir MinistersWidowsunwavering heldaninstructivesupportfor leadershipconfer- StateSenator enceMarch4,2023RhondaFieldsfollowinggunshot atthemagnificentbeing fired into her family residence. LandmarkMinistriesFieldsascendedtotheColorado inCommerceCenterHouseafterhersonandfiance ledbyitsPresident,were shot dead just before he was the divine Dr.Tywannatotestifyinacriminalcourtmat-Jones.Theday-longter.Nowyearslater,SenatorField eventhadseminars,istargetedwithgunviolencedue merchandisevendorstoherfirmstandonlegislationto and a Holy-Ghost Vibereducetheavailabilityoffirearms with delicious cateredand assault weapons. We will NOT food. normalize gun violenceBODY OF CHRIST NEWS APRIL 2023 follow us onfacebook 23"