b'1. Kierra Sheard - All Yours 6.Lecrae - Church Clothes 42. Brent Jones - Nothing Else7.Moses Tyson - Sunday Matters Morning Vol. 23.Tasha Cobbs Leonard -8.Brian Courtney Wilson - Hymns Transitions4.Angie Primm - I Feel Like9.Tamela Mann - OvercomerSinging 10 Cece Winans - Believer 5.Brooklyn Tabernacle - AFor ItNight Of WorshipColorado Black Arts Festival Announces Passing of Founder M.Ayers,FounderandDance dancer in the 1970s, and Perry ArtisticDirectoroftheaboveallelse,atruevisionary. ColoradoBlackArtsFestival,Perry brought art to life with his passed away March 23, 2023. Heannual sculpture garden pieces.was 71 years old. M.PerryAyersCelebrationof Hiscontributionstoourcom- Lifeservicewillbe11:00amon munityarevast,saidKhadijaThursday, April 6, 2023, at Park Haynes.Perry,asheisfond- HillUnitedMethodistChurch, lyknowntofamilyandfriends,5209 Montview Blvd, Denver, CO foundedtheDenverBlackArts80207.Inlieuofflowers,the Festival which was later known asAyers family requests that dona-theColoradoBlackArtsFestivaltionsbemadetotheColorado (CBAF) with his brother, OyedeleBlack Arts Festival.Oginga, in 1986. CBAF, the states largest celebration of the African diaspora arts and culture, is cel-ebratingits37thyearin2023. Whatanoutstandingandawe-some man that lived a great inspi- His contributionsrationallife,saidDr.Michael A.Williams,MusicDirectorandto our community MinisterofMusicatEmmanuel Missionary Baptist Church. are vast.Ayers,talentedinsomanyart forms, was a metal art and jew-elry artist, a Cleo Parker Robinson 4 APRIL 2023 BOCNEWS.com'