b'God is not unjust; he will not for- hasbeenwiththefoodbankforing. I volunteered for several years,ted volunteers. Two of are members get your work and the love you have60 years, both as an employee andhelpingMs.Turnerwiththepro- ofEpworth,RichardMulweeand shown him as you have helped hisvolunteer.However,givenalistofgram.In 1969 or 1970, Ms. Turnermyself.Wehavetwovolunteers, people and continue to help them. questions to prepare for the inter- couldnolongerSandraBlackwellHebrews 6:10 view, Ms. Milon prepared a beauti- performherdutiesandLorrieCook, fully written response.She beganasthedirectorthatliveinthe withatributetoMelissaBriggsbecauseofhealthn e i g h b o r h o o d , By Dr. Carolyn Phillips who started in the late 1800s serv- reasons.IwastwoothersJackie ing people on behalf of the UnitedhiredtotakeoverWiseandDanSoo MethodistChurch.Thefollowingfor her. I worked atthatliveoutsideof I fyoubelievemainstreammedia,is Ms. Milons account of her ownEpworthuntiltheyNortheastDenver. the current state of Christian cul- years of service: could no longer payLast, but not least, ture seems to be rife with politicalAs for myself, I started volunteer- me.Icouldntgivemy son and daugh-influence,judgmentandexpecta- ingatEpworthandclothingbankuponthepeopleterDarrenMinter tionsofpersonalexaltation.Weat the age of 17. I had just gradu- thatneededourand Sonya Davis.rarely see the wonderful examples ofated from high school and went toservice,soIwentOurdonations Christian love like the over 60 yearEpworth UMC when it was locatedback to serving as aforthefoodand food and clothing service at Denversat 1130 31st Street. An announce- volunteer.WhenIclothing bank come EpworthUnitedMethodistChurchmentwasmadeinchurchaboutbeganvolunteeringfromoneUnited highlighted on network affiliates,orthem needing help in the food andatEpworth,Rev.MethodistChurch, featured in themajor newspaper.clothing bank, so I offered to help.INesbittwastheSt.AndrewUMC. There are several small churches inloved it! I worked with director, Ms.pastor. I have beenWepurchasefood theNortheastDenvercommunityErma Turner and this is where it allamembersince(at a discount) from that practice Gods love by servingstarted. Rev. Botkin was thetheFoodBankof those in need. Witnessing the con- pastor at Epworth.,theRockies.One sistent Tuesday and Thursday foodIn1964,Ibecamepregnant(aIhavebeenwork- ofourvolunteers, andclothinggiveawayatEpworthsingle parent), and I became a recip- ingandvolunteer- Rose Milon AllenClark,picks inspired this article.The plan wasient of the food and clothing bank.ing at the food andupsurplusfood tointerviewthecaptainofthisIbegantounderstandbettertheclothing bank sinceeachTuesdayandThursdayfrom well-run ship, Ms. Rose Milon, whoneeds of the families we were help- 1963, so I have been involved for 60King Soopers, Target and Sprouts. years. Wealsohaveindividualsand I feel like our best years were whenotherchurchesthatdonatefood Denver Urban Ministries, under theand clothing.We receive monetary direction of Paul Kotke was involved.donations, not only from our com-Epworthcouldnolongaffordtomunity, but from anyone who who In 1969 or 1970, Ms. Turner could no longerpay me and Darryl Clark,so Paulwouldlovetohelpmakeadiffer-suggestedthatDarrylandIworkence.perform her duties as the director becauseunder Denver Urban Ministries, soWeareonlyopenonTuesdays we could at least get a pay check. of health reasons.I was hired to take overWe had so many programs, at thatandThursdaysfrom10:00-12:30. time, to help people in need.I wantWe serve an average of 50-75 fami-for her. I worked at Epworth until they couldto have these programs back again. liesduringthistime.Thisisour weekly average.no longer pay me. I couldnt give up on theI would say that the food and cloth- ****ingbankbasicallyhasremained people that needed our service, so I wentthesame,asfarasservingtheKudos to Ms Milon and her group families in need.We are just lim- ofvolunteers.Maytheycontinue back to serving as a volunteer.ited in having volunteers and dona- togrowwiththecurrentEpworth tionsfromtheUnitedMethodistpastor,PastorVickyAlverado. Churches.I feel the reason for thisHopefully,thisexposurewillsend isthechangesinourleadership.them more support from the church At this point, we have nine commit- community.2 APRIL 2023 BOCNEWS.com'