b"OBITUARIESMichael Forti,January 7, 1955March 2, 2023B elovedHusband,Father,andGrandfather,family.He enjoyed family gath-Michael David Forti, went home to be witherings, holidays, and spending his Savior on March 2nd, the year of our Lordtimewithhisgrandchildren. 2023.He is proceeded by his father Frank Forti,Hewasanavidanimallover hisMotherAnneForti,andhisbrotherJohnandspentmanyhourswith Forti.He is survived by his bride of 32 years,his pets. Michael was always ChristineForti,hisdaughtersAshleyHansontinkeringwithhomeprojects andAmandaLivermoreandtheirhusbandsinhisownhomeandforhis TimothyandReese.HisGrandchildrenBellafamilywhennotworkingon Reese and Brooks Michael, his brother Tom Fortiprojects for his many clients. and his former wife, and mother of his childrenMichael enjoyed a devoted and Mary Draper and her husband Tim Draper. successful following of clients MichaelFortiwasakind,generous,loving,which kept him busy through-and thoughtful soul and will be greatly missedout his business career.and remembered by the many lives he touched.Asmallfamilymemorial This is not so much a goodbye, as it is until weservicewasheldonMarch meet again as we know he is in heaven with the10, 2023, at 12:00pm as the Lord he loved and was devoted to. family was following Michaels MichaelwasborninDenverColoradoonrequest for no formal service.January 7, 1955.He graduated Littleton HighThefamilyrequeststhat Schoolin1973whereheplaced2ndinstatecards, written memories, flow-for diving. ers,anddonationsbesent Michael owned his own successful businesstothehomeofhisdaughter asaprofessionalpainterandkitchenandAshelyHansonat2597Fair bath remodeling contractor for the last 40 plusMeadowPlace,CastleRock, years.HewasatalentedmusicianandartistColorado,80104.Thefam-havingpaintedseveralcanvaspiecesandailywillmakethedecisionon wall mural. He shared the word of the Lord inwhere best to apply the mon-his own home fellowship for over 10 years andetary donations.If preferred, was part of a prison and music ministry withdonationscanbesentvia his wife Chris for 28 years.He also wrote forVenmo@Ashley-Hanson-13. the body of Christ monthly newsletter for manyIfrequiredtoenter,thelast years. 4 digits of her phone number Michaels number one priority was God andare 2078. Michael FortiSCRIPTUREApril's Word:It Is FinishedWe always celebrate christ,in full!debt in FULL! especiallythisaprilaswe Hebrews 9:12, 26 2 Corinthians 5:21, celebratepassover, freedomThank You JESUSforGalatinas 1:4 fromslaveryandoppers- giving your life, blood forLove, sion andfor us the believerus and for SALVATION for from sin anddeath. We oweus and the World!and thePastor PollyitalltochristwhodiedForgiveness of our sins andSanders-Petersonforusanddeclareditismaking a way for us to ourcovenanthouseoflove.comfinished (tetelestai) the sac- Father God and Paying our303-744-2122rifice is accomplished, paid BODY OF CHRIST NEWS APRIL 2023 follow us onfacebook 21"