b'END TIMESOutreach or Money Grab?By Michael Forti if their kids will be safe, or if property valuesof life? The average family, living pay check to are going to plumet, making it difficult to sellpaycheck has enough problems to worry about in the future? Will the architectural design oflet alone dealing with the insecure thought of C astle Rock Residence may be forced to com- thehousingunitsmeetupwiththecosmeticliving next to a temporary housing community. plywiththeRocksreligiousandpoliticalspecsandstandardsoftheentireMeadowsAre all Pastors going to agree with the Rocks agenda.TheROCKchurch,(Sponsor)locatedCommunity? Could this outreach attract evennewoutreach?Afterall,therearePastorsin inCastleRockColorado,4881CherokeeDr,more homelessness to the area? What will hap- thistownalongwithothersthathaveloaded along with a Deputy Director of Douglas Countypen to the unqualified homeless who will mostand armed security ushering them in and out Housing Partnership, (DCHP) are proposing tolikely start to gather? Will they be turned awayof their Sunday church services.build onsite temporary homeless housing units,during a winter snow storm? Is their vision truly for the better interest of aMedianbasedcommunity,usingchurchI think the main concern that the residencethecommunitiesofCastleRock?Couldthe owned land. The Rock church, with the help ofof the Meadows will have will be for the safe- efforts of the Rock church, to provide for 200 the DCHP, is endeavoring to develop a varietytyoftheirfamiliesalongto250homelessfamilies, ofaffordablehousingoptionsonits54-acrewithpropertyvalue.Iammomswithchildorsingle campus.surethatDouglasCountyindividuals,causetheresi-Thesitelikelywillneedtobedevelopedinalong with the Rock churchdenceoftheCastleRock phases. Ideally there would be about 200 unitswill not allow anyone with acommunitiestoactually of affordable family housing, 10 units of com- criminalrecord,toincludeSTUMBLE?Afterall,there munitytransitionalhousing,and10unitsofexsexoffenders,drughavebeenseveralinthe emergencyhousingforthehomeless.Theseaddicts, smokers, alcoholics,past, well known pastors of programs, (that the Rock already provides to theprior police records, felonies,well-knownchurchesrang-community),wouldincludefoodbank;rental,anklebraceletstostaying from Aurora to Colorado mortgage, and utility assistance; and case man- within the temporary hous- Springs,thathavegiven agementforhouseholdsatriskofhomeless- ing units. Im sure that theyChristianityablackeye, ness and homeless sheltering (DCHP). Wouldwill only allow families thatturning many away from the include20acresofnewconstruction,200tojust got evicted for whateverLord. 250units,1002-bedroomunits,753-bed- reason,lossofjobs,sick,Theythemselveshadto roomunitsand751-bedroomunits(DCHP).disabled. step down from behind their It appears that the temporary housing, for theLets take a closer look at apulpitsbecauseoftheir mostpartwouldbebasedonincome,Areafew crucial details concern- involvementwithdivorce, Median income category.ingtheRocksmotives.Isadultery, the misuse of ille-However,viewingtheSeptember2022NexttheremissionreachingoutMichael Forti galdrugs,sexwithamale Doorapp,otherswithintheCommunityaretoallpeople?Thinkaboutprostitute,polygamy,and skeptical. Not all units will be occupied with theit. Divorce, suicide, murder,mostofall,themisuseof elite classification of the homeless. This afford- rape,theft,schoolshootings,drugaddiction,church funds resulting in church divisions. able temporary housing is located within a fewpeer pressures, inflation are all on the riseIt appears that the larger churches all have milesoftwoschools,ablockawayfromresi- within normal communities. Is buildingtempo- one thing in common. They are always trying to dential neighborhoods, and a major thorough- rary homeless low-income units within blocksadd another outreach to bring in more revenue, fare where children are getting off the bus andof residential HOA communities, a major thor- takingupevenmoreofferingsandtocollect walking home. Is it OK to say that the residenceoughfareandschoolsgoingtobeaheartfeltevenmoremoney.Somehavethenewradio of the HOA Community of the Meadows locatedoutreachandministrytotheaveragefamilyoutreach.Somehavethenewbuildingfund. inCastleRockaregoingtorest,wonderingthatisalreadyfacingtheongoingchallengesSome are getting into televangelism, which has got many in deep water with the money. Always needing more to support the ministry as they reach out to the millions with the truth of the Gospel. Failing to mention that there are several other local churches and small ministries that Yes, the Bible teaches to feed the poor andare already meeting the needs of the homeless, the high rollers make it sound as if they are the only ones called to get the job done. There are cloth the homeless. Jesus hung out withmany people today that will not step one foot into a church because of the headlines, expos-ing wolves in sheeps clothing.them all. However, THATS NOT THE POINT!WhoistheRockChurchreallytryingto reach?Aretheygoingtobereachingoutto Is the Rock Church looking out for theirtwo hundred families, upper class, moms and children, singles, while leaving the residence of own interests or for the better interests ofCastle Rock concerned about the safety of their familiesandproperty.Yes,theBibleteaches to feed the poor and cloth the homeless. Jesus thousands of concerned homeowners? Thehung out with them all. However, THATS NOT THEPOINT!IstheRockChurchlookingout Gospel preaches that all have the FREEfor their own interests or for the better inter-estsofthousandsofconcernedhomeowners? TheGospelpreachesthatallhavetheFREE CHOICE to receive the truth. It doesntCHOICEtoreceivethetruth.Itdoesntteach that Jesus needs to be shoved down a commu-teach that Jesus needs to be shoved downnitys throat by a popular church and some gov-ernment officials. Who is really going to benefit from this outreach? Have thousands of Castle a communitys throat by a popular churchRock families been notified of this project? Will theybegivenachancetovote?Isthereany transparency?IsTheRockalongwithDCHP and some government officials. going to go forth with their mission whether the residence of Castle Rock in the Meadows like it or not? The Rocks mission seems to be heart-Continued on Page 226 OCTOBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'