b'POLITICSBlack Americas Common Ground with Frederick Douglass and MAGA RepublicansBy Dr. Alveda King ReaganRepublicans,TeaParty Republicansandnowthenewest flavor MAGA Republicans. If I must belabeled,labelmeaFrederick F or the last 30 years, I have open- Douglass Republican.differ- You\'ll see that ly identified as a Republican. AsIntruth,thereislittle a member of one of the most well- ence between a Frederick Douglasstheir beliefs known black families in America, IRepublican, Reagan Republican, or have grown accustomed to the vit-riol that comes because of my partyMAGARepublican.Unfortunately,are not at all affiliation.Sotherecentfascistthe legacy media is working double timetopaintapictureofMAGA slurstowardsMAGAvoterscomeRepublicansasevilmonsterswhodifferent from as no surprise.want to destroy America. But that Sadly,thehate-filledmessagesis the furthest thing from the truth.yours and mine. in my inbox are enough to make aI have had the privilege of getting to sailor blush. Yet I ignore the hateknow the MAGA crowd, and beforeThey believe and remain resolved because I can- youwritethemoff,Idareyouto notturnawayfromthelessonstalk to them.myfatherandmothertaughtme.Dr. Alveda King I bet when you do, you\'ll see thatthat every vote Icannotignorethetruthinthetheir beliefs are not at all different teachings from my granddaddy andthe sanctity of life from the wombfrom yours and mine. They believeshould count. my uncle Martin. that every vote should count. They aInreality,evenasIidentifyasto the tomb, empower parents, andbelieve you can\'t magically becomeThey believe you Republican,Ialwaysvoteforprotect children. a woman simply by declaring it so. thepoliciesbeforeIvotefortheTheybelieveparentsshouldhave party. As a freedom-loving followerThemediaisbigonlabels.therighttodeterminewhattheircan\'t magically of Christ, my voting patterns inevi- LabelingRepublicansallowsthemchildren are taught.tably lean towards candidates whotoboxAmericansintosillynar- TheachievementsoftheMAGAbecome a fightforreligiousliberties,defendrowdefinitions.Overtheyears,presidentTrumpareinconvenient theyhavecreatedcategoriesliketruths to politicians on the left whowoman simply are afraid of losing their most reli-able voting block, Black Americans.by declaring it What are the policies that resulted from the MAGA president? In 2020, IwroteabookWhyTrump?toso. They believe explain my support.Well, Donald Trump achieved theparents should lowestblackunemploymentrate inAmericanhistory.Today\'shighhave the right to cost of everything from gas to eggs did not happen on Donald Trump\'sdetermine what watch,evenduringthedarkest days of a global pandemic. The Trump Administration madetheir children are permanent funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Intaught.addition, the Trump Administration increased school choice funding by $42millionbecausehe,likethe MAGA crowd, believes that children should not be limited by their zip code.ItwasPresidentBidenwho,as an ambitious senator, ensured that Blacks would be disproportionately imprisonedbythe1980scrimeDr. Alveda C. Kingis the daugh-billofmandatoryminimums.Interofthelateslaincivilrights contrast,passingtheFirstStepactivistRev.A.D.Kingandthe Act was a crowning achievement ofniece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., theTrumpAdministration.Blackand a Christian evangelist. She is Americans made up ninety percentthe author of the best sellers King ofthosewhoreceivedcommutedRulesandWereNotColorblind. sentences.SheisalsothefounderofSpeak The list of accomplishments goesfor Life, Chairman of the Center for on, but rather than give the TrumpTheAmericanDream-AFPI,and Administration credit for anything,currentlyservesasaFoxNews his opponents find it more useful toChannel contributor and is the host of"AlvedaKingsHouse"onFox pretend that Black America is onlyNationandaNEWSMAXopinion successful when Democrats are incontributor.Dr.Kingisalsoa control.As Black families take theformer Georgia state legislator, col-brunt of increased crime and sky- legeprofessor,atwiceassigned rocketing inflation, Democrats havepresidential appointee, and a 2021 tofindsomeonetoblame.Theirrecipient of the Presidential Lifetime unfair target is MAGA Republicans. Achievement Award.10 OCTOBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'