b'EDUCATIONEducation Freedom: A Movement to Support Children Not Broken School SystemsBy Sylvie Lgre & Denisha MerriweatherB ecauseofincreasedparent engagement,aneducationfree-dommovementissweepingthe nation that has the potential to have a significant positive impact on chil-drenandcommunities.Theglobal pandemic forced parents to engage in local education policies more inten-tionallythanwehaveseeninover half a century. Duringthepandemic,theclass-room collided with the family room. Asmomsanddadswerefrontand center in the virtual classroom with theirchildren,manywerespurredSylvie Lgretoquestionthetypeofeducation systemtheirtaxdollarssupported. Toomanyparents,itwasobvious thatsystemsarebeingfunded,not students.The United States spends over 750 billiondollarseachyearoneduca-tion. Per student, that averages out to $15,000. AccordingtoU.S.News&World Report, the average cost of a private elementaryschoolintheU.S.is $7,630,whiletheaverageCatholic elementaryschoolis$4,840.Of course, some states are significantly more. For example, the average cost ofaprivateschoolinConnecticut isaround$23,000ayear.But Connecticut\'spublicschoolsalso rank number two in the nation. As a result, Connecticut parents are less likely to seek alternative solutions forDenisha Merriweathertheir children.Formostfamilies,thefreedomtovoters back school choice, the high-use the funds allocated for their childestlevelofsupporteverrecorded. to choose a school setting that bestCompared to similar polling conduct-suits their child\'s needs is not finan- ed in April 2020, overall support has cially feasible. What if instead of fund- increased from 64% to 74%; public-ing buildings, our government fundedschool parent support has increased the child, i.e., the money would followfrom 68% to 80%; Democrat support thechildrentotheschoolthatfitshas increased from 59% to 70%.their needs best? Otherstateswillbewatching Governor Ducey of Arizona recentlytheresultsofwhatishappening signed one of the most sweeping eco- inArizona.EventhoughAmerica nomicfreedombillsinthenation\'soutspendsourglobalpeers,our history. Every family in Arizona canstudentsconsistentlylagbehind. now use $6,500 each year per childAmerican students rank 18th in sci-tochoosealearningenvironmentence,13thinreading,and37thin thatamplifieslearningandfocusesmath. Families do not need to track onthechild.Thiscouldbehomeachievementwithstudentsinother school, private school or other learn- countriestoknowthatthereare ing environments that promote childflaws in the system. We simply have success. to look to our own major cities.BlackMindsMatterunderstandsAccording to a new report from the howimportantitisforchildrentoNationalAssessmentofEducational findalearningenvironmentthatProgress(NAEP),alsoreferredtoas worksbestforthem.Theorganiza- the "Nation\'s Report Card," students tion has created the first-ever onlineare displaying delays in both reading directory to promote schools foundedand math. "Average scores for age 9 by African Americans.students in 2022 declined 5 points in Of course, those who have a vestedreading and 7 points in mathematics interest in not disrupting the brokencompared to 2020," the report stated. status quo are not happy. However,"Thisisthelargestaveragescore ifthestatusquoissoafraidthatdecline in reading since 1990 and the students will leave the public schoolfirst-ever score decline in mathemat-system, maybe they should listen toics."parents. According to a national poll done by Real Clear Opinion, 74% ofContinued on Page 22BODY OF CHRIST NEWS OCTOBER 2022 3'