b'FAITH . continued from page 20involved,basedontheirrelationshipI recall Winston Churchill once said,GAINING GROUND IN THE BLACK withGodandnottheenforcedlawsSocialismisaphilosophyoffailure, of double-talking government officials.thecreedofignorance,andthegos- COMMUNITY SOCIAL EQUITY SUMMITpel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equalsharingofmisery.Vladimir See to it that no one takes you cap- Lenin, the Marxist revolutionary from tive through hollow and deceptive phi- Russia once said, The goal of social-losophy, which depends on human tra- ismiscommunism.Undercommu- PARK HILL GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSEdition and the elemental spiritual forcesnismthereisnoprivateproperty, ofthisworldratherthanonChrist.openorfreethinkingineducation,OCTOBER 20-23, 2022(Colossians 2:8, NIV). freeenterpriseorfreewillandtheir I cannot trust our progressive social- goalistomakepeopleworshiptheir ist trending government to repair andparty through fear, except for a select heal our society when all they give uselite.And then we get a progressiveDEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF CBRT LEADERS isblindingsandstormsolutions.Isolution,basedontheirshiftingthe truth, as often as they like, to make us perceive the result so far has been pro- believe we need a new answer to an oldHonorable Gloria Tanner, gressive laws and mandates to controlproblem, when we really need an old theevilsatanhascreatedanddoit with socialism.They seem to believeanswerthe Bible, to the old and newHonorable Dr. Sharon Brown Bailey, progressive socialism is the only solu- sins influenced by satan.As William tion to racism, income disparity, crime,Penn (a Quaker, 1644-1718) once said,Cleo Breeze, & Gerie Grimesdrug abuse, education reform, prisonThose people who will not be governed reform, and many of our other prob- by God will be ruled by tyrants.lems.However,Iknowwithsatan,I think, as recent history with CRTSPECIAL CBRT BLACK COMMUNITY SALUTE TOwho was and is the original progres- and New Yorks Governor has shown, sivetherewillbenopeacefulendthat trying to change societys behav-insight.Inmyopinion,progressiveiorthroughprogressivesocialistgov- Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock,socialism allows even more of satansernmentactionsthreatensthose evil to weaken and divide our society. oppressed groups with quicksand.TheAnna Jo Haynes, Social justice is a term often heard.progressive goal is to control the peo-Yetwhenconsideringashortdefini- ple, and if allowed to continue, we willDenver Police Chief Paul Pazen, tion of justice, truth in action, the onlyall be living in a disgraced American truththatseemstobeconsidered,wastelanda desert of sand.However,Dem. State Party Chair Honorable Carroll,byprogressiveleadersinpower,isI believe when societies solutions are more solutions based on shifting sand.based on godly principles and the edu- Black Dem. Legislative Caucus of ColoradoWhich I believe is meant to keep all ofcation found in the Bible, we can stand usoffbalanceandundertheircon- on solid bedrock Gods Rock of Ages trol.Theirtruthseemstoleadinaandwatchaseverygrainofsatans way that will monitor our very think- sand gets blown back to Hell! For more information contact John Bailey ating, to change our hearts and minds,For I know the plans I have for you, with their ideological beliefs in order todeclares the Lord, plans to prosper you720-629-0964 or johnbailey062@gmail.commove us even further away from Godand not to harm you, plans to give you and His values as fast as possible. hopeandafuture.(Jeremiah29:11, NIV).BODY OF CHRIST NEWS OCTOBER 2022 23'