b'OPINIONFaith in God or in GovernmentBy Peter DashiellRepublicans arent semi-fascist or socialist.TheyPost on August 25, 2022, printed an article by Tim are capitalist and believe in free market competitionHoefer,Gov.KathyHochul,whohasntproven for goods, services and workers wages; an economicshyaboutissuingorders,hadoneforthestates After the elections in November 2020 rather thansystemunderwhichthemeansofproductionisRepublicans this weekall 5.4 million of them: In unify America as promised by President Biden andbasedonindividualinitiativeandprivatelyownedher speech she stated Just jump on a bus and head his party they began dividing the country in an angryproperty.Capitalism is a system of market mecha- down to Florida where you belong, OK? she said. outrage.I wondered, what went wrong, why the fear,nisms,needingsomegovernmentoversightandYou are not New Yorkers. who is at fault and what is their goal?Their answerintervention to keep, laissez-faire - leave us alone,It sounds to me like Republicans are being Outcast wasin2016wemistakenlyputourfaithinthepractices from harming society.Carefully controlledCitizens for their political beliefs. We shouldnt be wrong ideologyRepublicans and anyone who wantscapitalism is the economic system that made Americasurprised,progressiveliberalleadershavebeen, to Make America Great Again (MAGA). great and is the best way to support the free spiritavoiding debate whenever they The vitriol really heated up when on September 9,Godgaveusall.Capitalismcan while aggressively fighting 2016 we heard the phrase; Basket of deplorables"in America has resulted in theagainstreligiousvaluesand by the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at a cam- highestshareofmillionairescontrarypoliticalopinions. paign fundraising event.She used it to describe halfin the world 39.1 %.Also theOneofthebestexamplesis of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nomi- UnitedStatesiscreatingmil- Critical Race Theory. I believe nee Donald Trump and she also said "They\'re rac- lionaires faster than anywhereCRTisbrainwashingbeing ist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic".in the world. The verdict is in,taughtinschoolstodemoral-Even before Hillary Clintons speech progressive lib- and contrary to what socialistsizeandshamethemajority eral socialist forces, combined with yellow journalist,say capitalism is the preferredofstudentsandtheirparents and some agents in the FBI, were planning to crusheconomicsystemtobringtheintosubmission.Ithinkthey MAGA,theRepublicanPartyandvanquishcandi- massesoutofpovertyandtoaretryingtoreplaceanyold date Donald Trump. make them productive citizensmoralvalueswiththeirnew in our country and in countriesmodernideals.Ifaparent Yellow journalism is when professional standardsaroundtheworld.Remembercomplainsorquestionstheir have been cast aside in favor of cheap sensational- this: Capitalism rewards merit,actions,theyreputonthe ismbiasedstories,givingrisetotheentertainingsocialismrewardsmediocrity.National Terror Watch List and yet potentially dangerous fake news.After DonaldYesGod does bless America. anyone who agrees with those TrumpwonthePresidencythecombinedsocialistPersonally I believe we needparentsisignoredandinmy forces continued to illegally use and abuse the powertomakeGodourfoundation- words, can go pound sand. I ofgovernmentinstitutionsintheirquickmarch,alideologyandthenAmericabelievebothpoliciesarecon-stumpingafterPresidentTrumpandhisclosestwill get better without politicaltrary to the Constitutions First supporters. The combined socialist forces didnt stopinterference.I believe God isn\'tPeter Dashiell AmendmentRighttoPetition after he lost in 2020 and I think they have similarontheliberalorconservativethe Government for a Redress plans for millions of other Republicans so they canside of the road, neither leads to the gate of our soci- of Grievances.remain in power.In 2022 the socialist leadership,eties solutions.He isn\'t in the middle of the road notjustPresidentBiden,andtheyellowmediaeither; the only thing found there is road kill. Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian reli-claimed Republicans are Semi-Fascist and the causegious principles illustrated in the Bible, establishing ofAmericasproblems,Ibelievetojustifyingtheira foundation for our Constitution and Bill of Rights. future actions.Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gateOf the 55 delegates who attended the Constitutional To clarify and define fascism and socialism I didand broad is the road that leads to destruction, andConvention sessions 52 were known to attend their some research.The similarity between the two ide- many enter through it.But small is the gate and nar- localchurches.Soweknowtheyhadabeliefin ologies is that both want to impose politically-chosenrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.Jesus Christ, and the fact that He died for our sins ends on everybody. The main difference is that each(Matthew 7:13-14, NIV). and rose from the grave three days later.Following system coercively favors and harms different groupsJesus Christ allowed those delegates to form a com-of individuals in society.Socialism advocates gov- monbondofreligiousbeliefandprincipleswhich ernmentownershipofthemeansofproductionIt seems to me that many of our politicians todayhelpedthemovercometheirpersonaldifferences. andservicesprovidedincluding,energy,medical,fear the people and decide by marketing polls whatGeorge Washington said in his farewell speech, You food, transportation, industry, media and education.they will saynot necessarily what they will do, butcannothaveamoralsocietyapartfromreligious Social based governments also control planning andwhat they want the people to believe they will do.principles.He was right, religious principles, which limitationsonprivateuseofresourcesalongwithThey don\'t show fear (respect) of the Lord, clearlycomefromGod,notmanmadereligionorgovern-consumer prices and workers wages.With socialismobvious in what they say and what they do makingment, as both can be built on shifting sand.Thomas inequality of wages may remain, however the highestme think they have forgotten; Jefferson,whilePresidentoftheUnitedStates, paid person will only get five or 10 times as much asbecame the first president of the Washington D. C. the lowest paidsuppressing free market competi- public school board, which used the Bible and Watt\'s tion in goods, services and wages.Critics of social- The Lord detests those whose hearts are per- Hymnal as reading texts in the classroom.ism have argued there can be no material incentiveverse, but he delights in those whose ways areHowever, on March 8, 1948, the Supreme Court to work because one does not receive rewards for ablameless. (Proverbs 11:20, NIV). decided in McCollum v. Board of Education District work well done.71 that the use of public schools for religious class-Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranation- However,Ifeelgovernmentanditsinstitutions,esviolatedtheFirstAmendmentsEstablishment alist political ideology and movement, characterizedlikeschools,shouldntforcereligiononpeopleorClause.In 1954 the words under God were added by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, milita- studentsbecauseitwouldviolatetheseparationto the Pledge of Allegiance by Congressional act in rism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in aof church and state. Nevertheless, I feel it does notPublic Law 396.In 2003 the Ninth Circuit Court natural social hierarchy, subordination of individualmakesenseseparatinggovernmentleadersfromruled in Elk Grove Unified District v. Newdow that interestsfortheperceivedgoodofthenationandgodly principles as when at least one State Governormakingstudentslisteneveniftheychoosenot race,andstrongregimentationofsocietyandtheseems to be ignoring the American freedoms we hadto participateto the words under God violates economy. under God and the Constitution.The New Yorkthe establishment clause of the U.S. Constitutions First Amendment.Because of these decisions most school districts have determined that students cant mention God, talk about the Bible, or pray in public school, in my opinion this set up a moral sand trap. In 1954 the words under God were added to the PledgeWatchingtheseandmanyotherchanges,Ifeel that America has moved further away from God and of Allegiance by Congressional act in Public Law 396.Ingodly principleslooking instead to the government to solve its problems.From what I have observed, 2003 the Ninth Circuit Court ruled in Elk Grove UnifiedI no longer believe that a moral society can be built upon or develop successful, social programs to over-District v. Newdow that making students listeneven ifcomeourproblemswithoutpracticinggodlyprin-ciples.My recent study of social-based governments (e.g., socialism and communism) has revealed that they choose not to participateto the words under Godwhen a godless governmental system tries to solve socialproblemsthroughonlylawsandmandates, violates the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitutionstheattemptfails.Itseemstomethebestsolu-tions will likely come from the hearts of the people First Amendment. Continued on Page 2320 OCTOBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'