b'SERMONA Feather from HeavanBy Debbie Stafford, MA, CAS I went quickly to pick it up. I foundallwitnessedwhatfeltlikeasuper-agray/white4-5-inchbirdfeathernatural experience. I truly believe that laying on the floor. As I went to pickGod used that feather to let that hus-T hroughalocalFuneralHome,Iit up, I felt like I should not touch it. Iband know that he is not alone.that have the honor of serving familieswent to the womans husband. I askedGod is not limited in the ways whodonothaveaFaithLeaderathim to look at the feather. I asked if ithe speaks to us. I believe that He will thetimeofthelossofalovedone.had any meaning to him. He looked atmeet us at our point of need. That day, On average, I serve 6-12 families perthe feather and began to cry. He saidGodallowedafeatherfromHeaven month. Making many new friends afterthat before his wife died, she told himtobringhopeandcomforttoapre-they have passed on from this life tothat she would send him feathers fromcious man who deeply loved his wife. thenextisawonderfulandmagicalHeaven. I picked up a clean tissue andHe cared for her in sickness until the part of empowering families to tell thewhile crying, he wrapped the featherend of her days here on earth. He truly story of their loved one who has leftand put it in his pocket. He later gavefoundhopeandcomfortinafeather them.Amostbeautifulwomanwentme permission to tell this story in thefrom Heaven!home to be with the Lord recently. Sheservice.lived for over seven decades. She wasWhilestandingatthebackofthe married to a man who loved her withchapelthankingguestsforcoming all of his heart. He cared for her withat the end of the service, one of the unconditional love until she took her last breath on this earth and her firstfriends told me that he has been talk- He cared for her with breath in Heaven. ing to the womans husband about the Debbie Stafford Lord.Hesaidthatthehusbandhas As a couple they loved traveling tonot had a place for God in his life. Hisunconditional love many countries over the years. Theywifes illness had truly impacted him. were scuba divers (over 200 dives) andtrust in God. I shared with him that I have prayeduntil she took her theyarerichwithlong-timefriends.PriortoherCelebrationofLifewiththehusbandandhewasvery Having no children of her own, she wasService,herhusband,familyandopen to hearing about his wifes tran- last breath on this a guiding force for her niece and neph- friends were in the back of the Chapel.sition to heaven. The gentleman stated ew. They loved to entertain. She madeThe Funeral Director and I had beenthat he would continue to encourageearth and her first friends wherever she went. She lovedthrough the Chapel several times mak- the husband to make peace with God.herhusband.Shelovedhercareer.ing sure that everything was in placeI can only imagine that God allowedbreath in Heaven.She loved her family and friends. Shefortheservice.Inoticedsomethingthat feather to be in the back of the lovedlife.Whenshewasdiagnosedon the carpet in the isle at the back ofchapel at that perfect moment to speak withaterminalillness,sheputherthe chapel that was not there before.to that precious husbands heart. We BODY OF CHRIST NEWS OCTOBER 2022 21'