b'LETTER TO THE EDITORAmerica, Stand on the Word of GodCongress followed suit and did noth- the word of God, and He said, Thou ing to over-turn that ungodly deci- Shall not Murder innocent human sion.So, they too, did not stand onbeings. Gods Word. Wonder where those foolish souls FutureSupremeCourtdecisionsare,thatusedtosay,Itisthe extendedtheoriginal12-weekstoLawoftheLandeverytimethe up till the time babies were born.SupremeJusticesmadeungodly Evennow,afterAmericahasdecisions,suchasabortion,and spilledthehumanbloodofliveevicting God out of schools and gov-babies by murdering around sixty- ernment places.five million, male and female babies,God still is waiting to forgive those Americans still want to continue thewho have taken part in the murder horrendous mass murder of babies.of those babies.Jesus can cleanse Sick, Sick, Sick! you of all sins if you seek Him.SomewouldquestionwhyIcall themhumanbabies,whenthey prefer to call them fetuses, or other names.ButtheWordofGodis clear that, God, at conception, puts a spirit into the fertilized egg, givingAmerica has become itlife,astinyasitmightbe,and thenHestartsformingthebaby.so ungodly, as we By Manuel Ybarra, Jr OthershavebeensayingthatObviously,onlyGodcouldhave democrats will win the election byformed each unique person like youknow, that we have pushingthesocalledWomans ear Editor:My original title torighttoanAbortion.Eventheand me! done a terrible job, D thisletterwasWillAmericahead of the RNC is worried that tooAmerica has become so ungodly, StandontheWordofGod?Thatmuchmoneyisbeingsenttotheasweknow,thatweAmericanswhen it comes to havedoneaterriblejob,whenit ideacametomeafterlisteningDemocrats for the coming election,comes to standing on The Word ofstanding on Thetoourdistinguishpresidentsay,because of the abortion issue. God. thatiftheRepublicanswontheWhentheSupremeCourtvotedSupremeCourtjudgesarejustWord of God.November election, and passed billsin favor of abortion in the 1973 Roe againstabortion,HewouldVetov.Wadedecision,itshowedtheyoneexample.Whentheycould every bill! did not stand on Gods Word.Thenhave easily said we have to stand on BODY OF CHRIST NEWS SEPTEMBER 2022 7'