b"SYL'S PAGENew Hope Celebrates 100 YearsCHURCH NEWS in Denver was at NHBC, and the church later con-tributedtotheMLKStatueFund.TheHonorable New Hope celebrates 100thWilma Webb,Former Denver First Lady and Colo. State Representative, gave a detailed, inspiring and Anniversary with Homecomingaccurate history of the labor of families that served NHBC, which included her parents.The Honorable Week MayorWellingtonWebb,DenversFirstBlackand three-termMayorwasthere.Themotorcadethen drove to NHBC campus at 3701 Colorado to enjoy I twas100yearsago,January15,1922whenaachefsdelightold-fashionedcookoutwithfood fewmembersofCentralBaptistChurchdecidedchoicesforallpalatesincludingnon-meatentrees toleaveandorganizeNewHopeBaptistChurch.and a snow cone bar with exotic flavors. Deacons (NHBC) To mark this historic feat, the current con- Randell Simmons, Roy Smith and David Thompson gregation held Homecoming Week, August 14-21,werejoinedbyTrusteeDarylNulan,Bro.Robert 2022.TheweekwasaHallelujahThanksgivingCopeland, and The Greene brothers Walter to make commemorationoflegacythatbroughttogetherthe motorcade and cookout a success.The weather former NHBC past members, current members andwas good, and the food was better.supporters. The 100th Anniversary Theme is, Weve come this far by faith, based on Psalm 103: 1-2 andThen came the final day with honors for members Romans 5:5 of 50 plus years, the childrens Essay Contest, aux-Rev. Dr. James Peters, Jr, NHBC Pastor Emeritus,iliary and other special awards during lunch in the was the kickoff preacher, and he spoke with powerNHBC Family Life Center.Deaconess Delores Martin and emotions about the progress made with subject.and Sisters Mercedes Toregano and Lisa Stephenson LetsTaketheBalconyWithUs,celebratingthewith other food specialists served a superb meal.Godlyleadersthathavepassedon,includingtheButbeforelunch,therewasSundayWorship! greatpulpiteer.preacherandNHBCpastor,Rev.Rev.Dr.DeweyWilliams,SeniorPastor,Mt.Level Dr.MurphyC.Williams.PeterswaspraisedandMissionaryBaptistChurchinDurham,North presentedbyRev.EugeneDowning,Jr.,D.Min.-Carolina, preached with such power that sanctuary NHBCs Lead Pastor. The Mass Choir sang old andattendees could not remain in their seats. His sub-new songs under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.jectGoing to the other side,gave specific Dos and Many members were thrilled to return to the sanctu- Donts on what is required for NHBC to move out ary for live worship after streaming live worship onof its present boat to safely sail past the first 100 NHBC uTube Chanel for the pasttwo years due toyears.He and Lady Lynne were thrilled to be back in COVID19 pandemic.Denver, but NHBC was even happier. Their presence A mid-week prayer, testimony and preaching wor- and participation were major factors in the success ship led by Pastor Downing, and Deacons Randellof Homecoming Week.Pastor Downing delighted to receive two girls joining NHBC Simmons and LC Williams was spiritual dynamite.Co-ChairsDeaconSylMorgan-Smith,Trusteeduring the 100th Anniversary celebrationsRev. Dr. Frank Davis, Senior Pastor,Zion BaptistLindaLealiandMusicCoordinatorJenniferFord Church preached on A courageous faith.He wasKeelarealreadyworkingon100thAnniversary magnificent in hisuniquely informed andfiery styleplans for the rest of 2022. The 100th Anniversary of preaching.Celebration plans include exhibiting images of the Forthepastmonthandtwodaysdur- past and capturing new images to accurately docu-ingHomecomingWeek,choirrehearsalsforthement NHBC history. The final products to be made CentennialCommunityChoirConcertwereheldavailablelaterisaCommemorativeBookletand for the grand Centennial Concert in the sanctuaryDocumentary Video for current and future genera-Friday night. It was a concert for the century withtions to know that NHBC did Come this far by faith!NewHopeformerChoirmembersandmusicstaff coming home. The ecumenical event involved localCOMMUNITYsingers, musicians and directors uniting to deliver heavenly and uplifting music. Rodney Norman, NewCommUNITY Summer FunHopesMinisterofMusicwerejoinedbyothers,Mark Pipkin and Alvin Braswell successfully host-e.g., Dr Daryl Walker, Sis. Jocelyn Keel, Bro. Darrined their CommUNITY Summer Fun Fest last month Smith, Sis. Ollie Smith, and special guest clinicianon August 13. Lady Lynne Williams, a NHBC infant and daughter of Sis. Iva Lois Wiggins, longtime NHBC director and CommUNITY Summer Fun Festmusician, who worked with former NHB First Lady Anna Lee Williams, known for her musical excellenceBuffalo Soldiers Dayin Denver and at Carnegie Hall. The Buffalo Soldiers shared there history with kids The two-day weekend was nostalgic, exciting andin Aurora on Buffalo Soldiers Day.emotionally charged with gladness. ThatSaturday,amotorcadeparadebeganat Central Baptist Church, which is the birth church of New Hope Baptist. Dr. Dorothy Hayden WatkinsSyl Morgan Smith, Communicator & Community andDeaconessMarcyDaileyandmembersoftheLeader,wasoneofthefirstAfricanAmerican Historic-ExhibitCommitteeworkedhardandthetelevision news anchorwomen in CO. In 31 years, proof was on display. The motorcade drove past theshehonoredmorethan450individuals&orga-original church site in the old Grandberry FuneralnizationsforexcellenceinChristianandcom-Home at 25th and Ogden; then continued to the oldmunity service, as the Founder and Pres. of the NHBCBuildingat23rdandOgdenStreet,whichCO Gospel Music Academy & Hall of Fame. She's isnowaprivatecondocomplex.Fromtheretheyserved on many boards of directors. At New Hope went to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. statueBaptist Church she serves as an ordained deacon in Denver City Park,because Kings first sermonand member of the Majestic Praise Choir. Buffalo Soldiers Day4 SEPTEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com"