b'END TIMESHow Close Are We?By Michael Forti with the lost because they may be rejected andthat many will come in His Name, claiming that then thrown into the lions den. Jesus is the Christ, yet will deceive many. As the last days draw to a close, false teachers and How close are we to seeing Christians being Y ou would think it would be easy to reach thisburnt at the stake or thrown into the snake pit?preachers will be exceedingly prevalent. Much hurting world with the love of Jesus especial- Jesus taught that true Christians will be hatedof Christendom will be in an apostate condition. ly as you can see it completely crumbling. Rape,for standing up for the truth, and more so inThose who are totally committed to the Truth murder, school shootings, gangs, theft, drugs,the very last days. We can clearly see how poli- ofGodsWordandBiblicalrighteousnesswill powerful drug ODs, divorce, abortion. Youticianscangetdownrightnastyagainsttheirbeintheminority(DonaldStamps,FullLife justwanttoholdupabigsignduringrushopponents. This country is about to say good- Study Bible).hourthatsays,YOUAREHEADINGOVERbye to freedom and justice while political cor- AlmightyGodgiveseveryoneacrystal-clear THECLIFF!Youseepeoplesmilingbutyouruption, of all kinds will soon be programmingdescriptionofhowpeoplewerelivingjust know for the most part, its fake. Many appearpeoplesbrainsandthenbeforeHedestroyedthem to have an outward appearance of happiness,demanding their souls. Sadall,thatisfortheexcep-wealthandprosperity,butinwardlymostarebuttrue,millionsofpeopletionofNoahandhisfam-being eaten alive with lust, jealousy, hatred andin this country voted for this.ily. For although they knew greed. On one hand, it seems that people haveIsntthatsomething.TheGod,theyneitherglorified the desire to show kindness, love, forgiveness,lost have turned their backsHim as God nor gave thanks compassion, lending a helping hand to those inon what little faith they hadtoHim,buttheirthinking need, yet on the other, in reality, its every manand most have already soldbecame futile and their fool-for himself.themselvesandtheirlovedishheartsweredarkened. Most people are willing to help as long as itones to Satan. Althoughtheyclaimedto doesntcostthemanythingortaketoomuchTheLordgivesusaclearbewise,theybecamefools oftheirtime.Itappearsthatthislostworlddescriptionofwhatthisandexchangedthegloryof knows the meaning of love, but they sure haveworld will be like just beforethe immortal God for images a destructive way of showing it. Leaving a dirtyHecomes.Butmarkthis:madetolooklikemortal trail. Is it possible to reach this lost world withTherewillbeterribletimesman and birds and animals the love of Jesus? Sure it is. True believers justin the last days. People willand reptiles. need to be patient while they are waiting for thebeloversofthemselves,Therefore,GodGAVE bottom to fall out. Its going to happen, and itsloversofmoney,boastful,THEMOVERinthesinful going to happen real soon. Its just the matterproud,abusive,disobedientdesires of their hearts to sex-of time. to their parents, ungrateful,ual impurity for the degrad-Most Christians can relate to this lost worldunholy, without love, unfor- Michael Forti ing of their bodies with one because they were at one time lost right alonggiving,slanderous,withoutanother.Theyexchanged with it. Thanking God every day that they wereself-control,brutal,notloversofthegood,the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and deliveredfromthewayofdeathanddestruc- treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasureserved created things rather than the Creator-tion,theynowhopethattheLordwillgiverather than lovers of God-having a form of godli- who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, them one chance to share the Good News withness but denying its power. Have nothing to doGodGAVETHEMOVERtoshamefullusts. those they used to hang out with. However, itswith them (2Tim 3:1-5 NIV 84). Eventheirwomenexchangednaturalrela-not getting any easier to share your faith withWOW! Was Paul describing the unsaved peopletions for unnatural ones. In the same way the a world filled with pride, greed, lust and hate.in this world, or many even those within mainmenalsoabandonednaturalrelationswith MostChristiansareafraidtosharetheWordstream Christianly. After all, Jesus does teachwomenandwereinflamedwithlustforone another.Mencommittedindecentactswith other men and received the due penalty for their perversions(Rom 1:21-27NIV 84). Sounds like the way people are living today. Howclosearewe?!IfGodGAVETHEM OVERtoaDEPRAVEDMIND,whatshallwe expect the Lord to do with todays generation? 2Thessalonians2:3-12teaches,Thecoming But mark this. There will be terrible timesofthelawlessonewillbeinaccordancewith Satan, displayed in all kinds of counterfeit mir-in the last days. People will be lovers ofacles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they REFUSED to love the truth themselves, lovers of money, boastful,and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a POWERFUL proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents,DELUSION so that they will believe the lie and sothatallwillbecondemnedwhohavenot ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving,believed the truth but have delighted in wicked-ness (2Thess 2:9-12 NIV 84). I guess its not goingtobeeasytryingtoreachthishurting slanderous, without self-control, brutal,worldwiththeloveandgraceofJesuswhile God is sending it a powerful delusion. not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash,Please dont get me wrong. Now is the time for evangelism! Throughout the Great Tribulation, people will be cursing God while multitudes will conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than loversbe getting saved!Again,WOW!IsGodnowSENDINGthema of God-having a form of godliness but denyingpowerful delusion so that they will believe the lie?! If thats the case, I would say that our time its power. Have nothing to do with them is about up. Jesus is coming soon for His Bride, andtheWRATHoftheLambisapproaching, right around the corner (Rev 6:17). Keep looking up. Our Lord is Coming Soon!Untilnexttime,JesusiscomingSoon!Are you going to be READY?! 6 SEPTEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'