b'L et me first say, if you havent already seen "Honkclosed amount for the lawsuits filed against him byuncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly for Jesus", go see it. go see it! It was recentlythe young men. provides us with everything for our enjoyment.released in theaters and I loved it!Bishop Eddie Long died in 2017 of cancer. OtherFor the love of money is root of all kinds of evil. Of course, it is a Hollywood fictional version basedrumors spread that he had AIDS, which his familySome people, eager for money, have wandered from on the true story of the late charismatic minister,has denied. the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. I Bishop Eddie Long.He had a mega church of 25,000So, getting back to the movie,Timothy 6:10.members down in Atlanta, Georgia. it depicts a pastor with talentedRecently,withinthispast Longs televised ministry was viewed nationwide.gift for preaching along with amonth, the Internet lit-up with I even watched it and was mesmerized on how hebig egolike Bishop Long. a video of a young pastor, the brought the word.Actor Sterling K Brown did anRev.CarltonFunderburke However, his power and wealth of having expensiveexcellent job in the movie por- whose church is called Church cars, living in a mansion, having his own private jettraying this flashy pastor whoattheWellinKansasCity, plane led to his demise and scandals that rocked thefell from grace after his churchMissouri.church. membership dwindled becauseHestoodbeforehiscongre-Hewassurroundedbycontroversywhenfourofthesexualallegationsandgationberatingthembecause youngmenaccusedhimofsexualmisconduct.lawsuits. theyhadnotgottenhimthe But no criminal charges were brought against theThepastorandhiswife,Movado watch he asked for.Bishop. Instead, he settled out of court for an undis- played by actress, Regina Hall,Rev.Funderburkesexact trytoreopenandrevivethewords: churchinhopesofhavingaYou are poor, broke, busted flourishing congregation again.and disgusted on how you have ReginaHallisoneofmybeen honoring me.favoriteactresses.ShedidaIamnotworthyour Let me first say, if youphenomenal job with her rangeSheila Smith McDonalds money.of emotions she disclosed por-trayingtheFirstLady.SheIamnotworthyourRed havent already seenwasfunny,rivetingandsadLobster money.whiletryingtostandbyher I am not worth your Louis Vuitton"Honk for Jesus", gohusband-pastor. I am not worth your Gucci moneyShe enjoyed the limelight a little too much.Thats see it. Bishop Eddiebecause she ran things. I want you to understand what God is saying.YoucanbuyaMovadowatchinSams(Sams As she stated in the movie, Its hard being the Long was surrounded byFirst Lady. You have to do mental and physical gym- Club). You know I asked for this last year and here it nastics. Be the spine and structure of the church is all the way in August and I still have not got itcontroversy when fourWell, I have the highest respect for First Ladies ofWow,sucharroganceofthispastortalkingto the churches.Because they do run the church andmembers of his congregation like this who pay his young men accused himare the backbone and right hand to the pastor. paycheck.Yet, no disrespect for our seasoned First Ladies, IHe did later post a video apologizing for his behav-of sexual misconduct.dont think the younger generation of women wouldior to his church members.inthedesertwas have stuck it out and put up with a lot of stufftheyEvenJesuswhofastedwhile But no criminal chargeswould be praying while running out the door and nottempted by the devil. The devil tested Jesus and told looking back. him he would be granted power and glory over the were brought against Just saying!!!!kingdoms if he just worshipped him.It brings me to the point of why do pastors who areBut Jesus remained steadfast in his faith.the Bishop.supposed to be Gods shepherds get so caught upI had a discussion with Pastor Frank Jones from and fall from grace? Gods Will Christian Fellowship Church in Denver.ThewordintheBible,ITimothy,explainsthat those who are rich in this present world not to beContinued on Page 12arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so 10 SEPTEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'