b'PUBLISHER\'S LIBRARYSad Isn\'t It?"I have said in the past and I\'llployed, under-employed and on repeat again, that the best repa- food assistance more than ever rations we can provide are goodbefore.Somaybereparations schools in the inner city and jobswould have been good for blacks for people who are unemployed."since Obama wasn\'t able to pre-U nfortunately,fiveyearsvent49schoolsfromclosing later, after President BarackdowninChicago,norwashe Obamamadethisstatement,been able to provide quality jobs inner-city,blackdominatedorhousingforblackslivingin schools in Detroit, Chicago, andthe inner city. PhiladelphiahadmassschoolWithout quality schools to pre-closings with nothing done.pare how are students suposed None of the suburban schoolsget into college? or get a diplo-inthesecitiesfacedclosure.ma?orgetajob?Howdowe Noneofthemanyblackmil- expect our chilidten to survive, lionaires in professional sports,let alone succeed?inHollywood,intheMusicButthisisapeoplerobbed Industry or incorporate Americaandspoiled;theyare,allof came to the rescue for the innerthem, snared in holes, and they city black kids needing a good,arehidinprisonhouses:they qualityeducation.Notevenare for a prey, and none deliv-Billionaire Oprah Winfrey, half- ereth;foraspoil,andnone a-billionaireMichaelJordan,saith, Restore!ISAIAH 42:22.Magic Johnson, or P.Diddy.Sadisn\'tit?OtherracesWhowillRestore(Reparation) wouldn\'tletthathappentotheBlackman?fromthe theirkids.MoreblackslivingPublisherlibrary,Hebrewsto Auditorium inside an abandoned high school in Detroit. in these inner cities are unem- Negroes16 SEPTEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'