b'OBITUARYA Man for All SeasonsSamuel L Byrd Sunrise Nov. 18, 1962 / Sunsether into their arms. Samuel poured the oil andimportantly he gave them courageous and confi-Aug. 26, 2022. He was a man for all seasons,Selenaspoketoher.Calebdrapedamodestydence and beautiful memories. Giving you chil-here is a story about him. cloth over her as she fell gently to the ground.dren beautiful memories are the greatest gift that She convulsed and cried out crazywords as shelasts beyond a life time.By Heather P. Shockley lay under the cloth. Samuel and Selena contin- The Jonathan Role: This was his greatest role ued to speak over her. Then they continued theof all time. He was the Jonathan to his wife, his A stheeveningwanedonandSamuelandservice because the prophet had arrived.friends, his buddies, his employees. He mentored Selena arranged the chairs to accommodateBefore the service was over the young lady hadmealongwithmanyothers.Hepresentedus the growing crowd that were attending the eve- arisen and went to straighten up in the ladieswith the armor. He showed us how to wear the ning service. We had announced to the city thatroom. When she returned, her face was cleanedarmor and why. He would grab us and shake us a bright new prophet was com- andherhairwassmoothed.gently making us wake up out our quagmire. ingtoLatterGloryMinistriesShewasSOBER.Shenolon- He wore that armor with style and panache.to deliver a word. The ministerger smelled of liquor. She wasThe Friend:Every person who presented them-was held up at the airport andclean.Shetoldthecongrega- selvesto Samuel honestly could be his friend.the Bishop informed the Praisetionthatshewashealedthejust tell me who you areI believed him. In & Worship team that we need- demon was gone. honesty we all thrived with Samuel and Selena.edabout30minutes.SamuelThis is only one of the manynever leave a brother high and dry. Samuel and andSelenatookupthemicsmiracles that I and many othersSelena have never left a brother high and dry.and began to bellow out Neverhad witnessed with Samuel andThe Boss:He said and Taught this principal could have made it in tune andSelena. toeverypersonwhoworkedwithhimandfor right on time.Thisdynamicduoworkedhim The worlds greatest leader is the worlds Suddenlythepeoplebegantirelesslythroughoutthegreatest servant. Jesus the Christ is the greatest tofindtheirseatsandbeganentire Denver and Aurora com- Boss and Leader. We have to get into the dirt and to sway and sing in unison asmunitiessavingsoulsforthehustletogetherwewillaccomplishallthings Samuel and Selena brought theKingdom.Hetaughtthefivethru Jesus who will strengthen us until the job Holy Spirit into the atmosphere.foldministrytoanyonewhois finished.The rewards are bigger than you ThereintheSanctuarythewashumbleenoughtolisten.can imagine.tears were flowing. The feelingsSamuel demonstrated the prin- The rewards are bigger than we can imagine. werebeingexposed.Samuelcipals of Kingdom building andWe will continue the Byrd Family Saga and fol-andSelenaalwayscreatedaKingdom living. He taught us tolowPastorSelenaByrdwithTheLatterGlory safeatmosphereforpeopletolive in the Kingdom where ourMinistries.experience the Holy Spirit.rewardsarestored.Hetaught Awomanwasseatedintheus to live with confidence andNow that the Bishop Samuel L Byrd has been very back avoiding the parish- boldness.Hetaughtusnotdelivered back to Our Lord the Saga continues.ioners. She had come with thetocriticizeothers,Dontbe camerapeople.ShewreakedofSamuel L. Byrd throwingstoneswhenyour liquor and smoke. The cocktailhouse is made of glass.dress was worn and her heelsSamuel anointed and appoint-wererunovercoveredbyawrinkledleathered hundreds of worthy ministers to do the work jacket.Shetoldthegreeterthatshewaswithof the Kingdom.the camera crew and just needed to get warm.ThemanyhundredsofministersthatheWhen she returned, her The greeter was welcoming to her , she smiled a crooked smile and hid in the back clutching thelicensedcarryhisknowledgeoftheKingdomface was cleaned and her leather jacket.The prophet was still another 30Principals are his testimony. He and Selena, true servants to the greatest extent exemplified Gods minutes away. Then suddenly Samuel broughtwill to bring souls to the Kingdom. hair was smoothed. She outtheBlessingoil.HeandSelenabeganto bless people. He poured the oil into his hands and SelenaSamuel was a true player in the drama of Life.was SOBER. She no longer He was expert at playing his roles.calledpeopletothemandthepeoplecametoThe Soldier: He was a general in the Army ofsmelled of liquor. She themfortheoil.AsSelenabegantoministerthe Lord. I witnessed him slay all of the drag-whispering what she heard from the Lord intoonsforhimselfaswellashisfamily.Selena,was clean. She told the eachoftheirearsSamuelpouredoilintohishis Captain, his beloved wife produced beauti-palms ministered to each. Healing of hearts and minds was happening before all eyes to see. Thenful,successful,giftedandanointedchildren:congregation that she was Samuel called out to the woman hiding in theChavika Byrd,Chantavia Byrd,Stagia Byrd,Theo Byrd,RaymoneByrd,LeonByrd,ChaquitaByrd back.Shewasobedienttothecall.Shestoodand Dominique Byrd. He saidFavor aint fair.healed the demonupandsmoothedherdressandjacket.IsawProsperity has nothing to do with money. His her smell her own breath in her hand and wasfamily are bold soldiers marching two by two forwas gone.shocked by the oder.the community and Kingdom.Samuel told her That dont even matter comeTheFather:Hischildrenknowthesoundof on, we got you. She took one step and was fro- his footsteps. He made sure that they were set zen. Selena and Samuel ran to her and caughtup with tools to fight the great battle. But more Munnerlyn . continued from page 18crated as Bishop under Chief Apostlea Prophet. The Gathering Place in San AntonioGod.Dr. Robin E Franklin, who is PresidingIunderstandthebishopisagov- is a multi-racial church with membersBishop Munnerlyn felt he died physi-PrelateofKingdomConnectionerningpositionandtogovernthewhoareBlack,White,Hispanicandcallyandmentallybackduringhis Fellowship Ministries. affairs and direction of the church, hePanamanians. beginningdaysofhisministryfrom He is Bishop over the South-Centralexplains about his role.He joked about his praise and wor- lack of having that spiritual father to Regional Diocese and Bishop and VicarOne thing, Bishop Munnerlyn says,ship leader who has tattoos and usedguide him. GeneraloftheKingdomConnectionisthatculturalChristianityneedstoto be in a rock band. Buthehasmadeit.Hehasgone Fellowship Ministries. getawayfromthedivisivemessageI dont want to be a Christian celeb- throughthetrialsandtribulations. He also has written two booksvol- that churches shouldnt interact, hangrity.Ijustwanttowinpeople.WinAs he puts it, I am a vessel of God to umes I and II called the The Mantle ofout or worship together. theirtrustandtakethembacktominister to people.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS SEPTEMBER 2022 19'