b'By Dr. Syl Morgan-Smtih as always also present Miss Bianka Emerson thereceived her masters of divinity from Iliff School current President of the Colorado black womenof Theology she is from the Baltimore Maryland Pastor Mays Preaches UNITY forpoliticalactionandseniorareabutspentthelastyears Pastor Thomas Mayes, the president of the great- staffforgovernorJaredPolisinDenvergettinghermasters er metro Denver ministerial alliance, preachedparticipated.Itwasacateredshes been active at New Hope aUNITYmessageattempleMikainDenvereventwiththeHonorableBaptistChurchintheWomen onJune16.ThetempleglowedwithsmilingAbramsdeliveringaKeynoteofHopeMinistrymanyother faces and listening hearts to hear this master- addressthatchallengedustodepartments.Butshewasat fulmessagefromDr.Mayeshespokeonthebe involved and to be alert thatherbestwhenshedelivered story of the relationship between the juice andwomen are under attack todayher first sermon on the broken Christian then and now it was clear very littlejust like before she reminded usdeathhowwillthewomanof has changed. He spoke from the story of Davidwomen could not have credit inthe world broke open the bottle and Goliath his overall theme was unity and histheir own names or by propertyof expensive perfume poured it main emphasis was that the African-American50yearsagoandhowtodayon the feet of Jesus washed his community is a shield and armor for the Jewishwereabletoholdpositionsatfeet with her tears of gratitude communityandtheJewishcommunityisanthe highest level including viceforforgivenessandthendried armor and shield for the African-American com- president of the United States.it with her hair. She reminded munity. We are together in more than a fight weShe mention the gains we haveus everyone is a broken vessel are in a war against bigotry and hatred but Godmade must be monitored on itbut Gods forgiveness is all we is with us and together we win it was wonderfulandwemustremainvigilantDr. Syl Morgan-Smith everneededandthatforgive-to share to be in the presence of Gods people forbecausethetidehasturnedness and love is available today this very special occasion then. our rights the rights of womento all creation.are under attack and are rapidly being eroded. Stacey Abrams to Denver Women: Stay Vigilant GoodluckHonorableAbramsontheGeorgiaMacedonia Baptist Celebrates 105 yearsMileHisaiditwasblessedtohaveGeorgiagubernatorial election this November we want toCongratulationstothepastorLamontand gubernatorialcandidatetheHonorableStacycongratulate the Reverend. membersandofficersofMacedoniaBaptist Adams to visitshe spoke to hundreds of womenChurch for celebrating your 105th church anni-attheCleoParkertheater.ItwasaweekdayMinister Johnson Delivers Sermon at New Hope versary.Theyinvitedthatpreachingprophet but women were present and participating localWewanttocongratulateMinisterLaurenfrom Arkansas, the mighty Reverend Dr. Rodney elected officials were there and it was great toJohnson for delivering a profound first sermonPerry. He preached and preached and had every-see former first lady of Colorado Mrs. DoughtySunday, June 26 at new Hope Baptist Church inone shouting for more congratulation Macedonia Lamb she was radiant personable and beautifulDenver. Minister Lauren Minister Johnson justBaptist church.A Busy Summer Ahead of Election SeasonAsweallknowthisisanelectionyearin Colorado and other states. We are electing a gov-This will be a busy summer as the fate of democracy is onernor for four years and a US senator. Governor PolistheincumbentandUSsenatorMichael the ballot with the banning of Roe v. Wade, the capital riotBennetttheincumbentareseekingreelection. This will be a busy summer as the fate of democ-January 6 and many other hate crimes, mass shootingsracy is on the ballot with the banning of Roe v. Wade, the capital riot on January 6 and many all remind us our vote is more valuable this year than anyotherhatecrimes,massshootingsallremind us our vote is more valuable this year than any time prior to the signing of the civil rights billintegritytime prior to the signing of the Civil Rights Bill. Integrity,democracy,morality,respectareall democracy morality respect are all under attack andunder attack and without vigilance prayer and active participation we stand to lose everything, without vigilance prayer and active participation we standbut God is watching and waiting he only asks hispeopletopraytoturnfromtheirwicked to lose everything but God is watching and waiting. ways seek his face and confessing to hear from heaven so thats noeverything is gonna be all right because God is in control.8 JULY 2022 BOCNEWS.com'