b'BOCN ARCHIVES - 2016Fear Is Trying to Stop UsBy Bishop Dennis Leonard have experienced some fearful thingsinsidemeforthisgenerationtat-in our finances and health. I will nottoosmusic. be moved.) Its time to trust God for a Promised G od told Joshua that he would faceThenumberonefearthatpeopleLand mentality. You can see overflow manyenemiesinthePromisedhave today is the fear of public speak- inyourlife.Youcanforgivepeople Land. God tells us that when we giveing. I know for myself it was one of mythat have hurt you. You can get back ourlivestotheLord,wemustbefears.into church. You can let go of stinkin strong and courageous. We cannot letGodsays,IknowthethoughtsIthinkin. You can change your circle of fear keep us from believing the thingshave towards you. Thoughts of peacelove, and hang around good people. I that God has for us. (Dont turn to theand not evil, to give you a future andcould suggest hanging out at Heritage right or the left).ahope.AnytimesomeoneisgreatlyChristian Centers on Tuesdays for the When you love the Lord, He doesntdiscouraged,itsbecausetheyhave6:30 p.m. Happy Hour.want you to be afraid of anything. HeforgottenthepromisesofGod.TheyThats why youre getting back into wants you to trust in Him even whenhaveforgottenthatGodhasagreatchurch. Thats why youre putting God you get a bad report. God wants youplan for their life. first. Thats why youre changing your to be courageous and believe that HeThenexttimefearknocksatyourcircle of friends. You will be anxious for will work everything out. (People withdoor; make sure that courage answersnothing, but will pray over everything. abusive pasts struggle with fears, theyit. I will fear no evil for God is withFear is trying to stop you.think: Im not good enough) me.NogoodthingwillHewithholdSometimesyouneedtostayaway You cannot live a truly victorious lifefrom me.Go back to the Word. DavidfromStillpeople.Imtalkingabout untilyoumakethedecisiontotrustDennis Leonard faced many fears, but said, I will fearthosewhoareStillborrowingmoney the Lord and not let fear control you.no evil.andneverpayitback.Stillcom-Even when the bottom falls out, GodLord.ButhehadaconstantfearofDavid faced his giant and said, YouplainingStill living in the pastStill wants us to make the decision to walklosingeverythinghehad.Thenonecome at me with a sword and a spear.talkingnegativeStillgossipingStill by faith and not by sight. You have today he lost it all. People who walk inBut I come to you in the name of thearrogantStilllivinglikethedevilwalk it out.fearalwaysfail.AnytimesomeoneisLord, and you are coming down. WeStillhatingStillrunningwiththe There is something about fear thatafraidoffailure,theyalwaysfindaallhavetofaceourgiantsandtellwrongcrowdStilldruggingStill triestocontrolus.Feartriestotellway to fail.them whos boss. clubbingStillprejudicedStillhate-us that nothing is going to work out.IfyoureafraidthatyoullgethurtIdontknowwhatyoureafraidfulStillgoingnowherewiththeir Thats why God told us to have faith ininarelationship,thenyoullalwaysoftoday.Maybeitsthefearoffail- livesStill stuck on stupid.Him. He wants us to look at adversitygethurt.Ifyoureafraidoffailing,ure. Maybe its the fear of not havingIts a new day. Im ready to go into andbelievethatHehaseverythingthen you will always fail. Fear causesenough; be a tither. Maybe its the fearmy land of overflow. I can do all things under control. things to never work out in your life.ofpeoplefindingoutwhoyoureallythroughChristwhostrengthensme. Courage is not the absence of fear.(You speak the Word; You meditate onare. Maybe its the fear of what peopleI am more than a conqueror through Its pressing through your fears to dothe Word and Fear is trying to stopthink of you. (Humble yourself) ChristJesuswholovesme.MyGod what God is telling you to do. Fear triesyou.) Whateverfearsyouarefacing,youwill do exceedingly abundantly beyond to hold you back. The truth is that itPeter got out of the boat and beganhave to make the decision to face themanything I can ask or think.takes tremendous courage to obey Godto walk on the water. As soon as heinsteadofignoringthem.MaybeyouI will say to the Lord, You are my andputHimfirst.Weneedtotakestepped out of the boat, a storm arose.haveafearofwater;takeswimmingrefuge and my fortress.In You I will a stand, for instance, in the areas ofHebegantolookatthestormandlessons. If you have a fear of dogs, gettrust.Thoughathousandfallatmy dating, and not living together beforebecame afraid. Because of the fear, hea puppy. If you have a fear of lovingsideandtenthousandatmyright marriage. began to sink. (Fear opens the door) again, go on a date. (I used to have ahand, it shall not befall me. For He has Courage is when you make up yourAny time you step out in faith, fearfear of public speakingFear was try- put His angels in charge over me. They mind to face the music instead of run- will raise its ugly head. Without faithing to stop me.) will bear me up in their hands, least I ning away. Courage is about confront- its impossible to please God. WithoutSuperstitionisnothingmorethandash a foot against a stone.ing someone that youre afraid of. Itsfear its impossible to please the devil.fear. I will not fear walking under aThe Lord is my shepherd and I shall about making a career move. Its aboutThats why we must resist. ladder or breaking a mirror. I will notnot want. I will not fear what man can makingchangesthatyouknowareFormyGodhasnotgivenmeafear a black cat walking in front of me,do to me. No weapon formed against right. spirit of fear or timidity, but of power,or someone putting a hex on me. Theme shall prosper.God is working all ThechildrenofIsraeldidnotgolove, and a sound mind. The enemysdevil is a liar. You cannot curse whatthings together for my good, and noth-into their promised land because theyplan is to make you timid, so you neverGodhasblessed.IfIwilldiligentlying can stop me from being blessed. didntbelieveGodspromises.Ifyouconfront people or issues in your life.obey IamstrongintheLordandthe are going to go into the land of over- (We are afraid to hurt peoples feelings) TheenemysplanisforyoutobepowerofHismight.Imaybeina flow, you must have a Promised LandMaybe you need to confront a familyafraid of white people, black people orstormtoday,butmyGodisworking mentality.Inotherwords,youmustmember or someone at work. You cantmaybe the police. He wants you to beeverythingout.GreaterisHeIwill fear no evil for God is with you.let fear hold you hostage any longer.afraid of the Holy Spirit. He wants youfear no evil for God is with me. Nothing Any time you step out in faith, fearYoucantletfearcontrolyourlife.to be afraid of a church like this one.canstopmypraise.NotroubleNo will try and make a coward out of you.Its time to control your own destiny.Church is Gods idea. This generationdevil Fear is trying to stop you.Youwillneverliveavictoriouslife,(Be strong and courageousGod gaveis lost. We need your help. Thatswhyyouhavetopraisethe until you learn to be courageous whenyouapromiseThelandofoverflowInthelastdays,timeswillgrowLord in the fiery furnace Praise Him you feel fear. You will never live a vic- isinfrontofyouDontrunaway worse and worse. We are facing thingsintheLionsdenPraiseHiminthe toriouslifeuntilyoudecidetotrustStand) thatnogenerationhaseverfacedmorning Praise Him in the eveningGods Word.You know there is something wrongbefore. Im talking about todays drugPraiseHimwhilethewallsarestill Theenemysplanistodefeatyouin your body, but you wont go to theculture. Im talking about the breakupstanding If you dont want to praise through fear. But God says, Be strongdoctor. You are afraid of what hell tellof the family. Im talking about a lostHim, don hinder me I can see the andcourageousforIhavepromisedyou.Itstimeforyoutostoplettinggeneration. God has put a great loveland of overflow Its close Fear is you success. I have had to face manyfear control you. Its time to trust intrying to stop you.fearsincomingbacktoDenver.WetheLord.(Godsays,FearnotforI had a lot to losefinances, healthIhaveredeemedyouIvepurchased had to walk by faith. you with my Blood).Makenomistake,yourspiritualCouragedoesntmeanyoudont enemy has a plan for you to be fearful,have fear. Courage simply means youWhatever fears you are facing, you have to so you never accomplish what God hasface whatever youre afraid of. Courage for you. His plan is for you to never bemeans you will no longer be a cowardmake the decision to face them instead of courageous, so you live a defeated life.and let fear hold you back. Courage is There is something about disobedi- about facing difficult things and doingignoring them. Maybe you have a fear of ence that opens the door to fear. Whenthe right thing. Setting boundaries is AdamandEvedisobeyedGod,theyoneareasomepeoplehavedifficultywater; take swimming lessons. If you have a becameafraid.Paulsaidweshouldwith.givenoplacetothedevil.IveseenGodhascalledyoutofaceyourfear of dogs, get a puppy. If you have a fear people give in to drugs(Fear) to for- fears and trust Him. Some years ago tunetellers(Fear)topornography(Disobedience).the Lord spoke to me about overcom- of loving again, go on a date. Jobsaid,ThethingIfearedmosting all my fears. I began to face every hascomeuponme.Joblovedthefear,askingGodtostrengthenme. (Fear of heights, roller coasters We 2 JULY 2022 BOCNEWS.com'