b'LOCAL EVENT CALENDARCommunity GiveawaySat, July 2 & 910am-2pm New Hope Baptist Church 3701 Colorado Blvd. Everything FREE to the Community! Womens Clothing, Mens Clothing, Shoes, Housewares, Books, Toys & Games.Black Men Remain at the Bottom of the Health LadderIts All FREE! To donate clothing & other items contact Karen @ 720-217-9199 or Malinda @ 720-425-5143 By Dr. Ceveland Piggott exams and say yes to recommend-ed screenings and immunizations. Prevention is essential, and we can email us yourI fyoucouldhaveanunlimitedoften do so much if we catch some-amountofanything,whatwoulditthing early. be? Some people respond with money, others time, but I find health is often2. Mentalhealthishealth,andyou what I answer. We take out health forcant neglect it. Just as we know event detailsgranted until we no longer have it.weshouldhavehealthylifestyle Though I joke that a new ache andpracticeswithfoodandexercise, pains comes with every new birthday,we should be doing the same with Im still very thankful for my health. Iour mental health. Its also essen-lovetheWorldHealthOrganizationstial that we seek help the same way we would for a physical problem.for a FREEdefinitionofhealth:astateofcom- 3. Makesocialconnectionsapri-plete physical, mental and social well-beingandnotmerelytheabsenceofority.Isolationandloneliness disease or infirmity.trulyimpactyourwell-being.I encourageeveryonetofindways Black men have some of the worst listing! healthoutcomesofanyracial/ethnicto increase or deepen their social group in this country, and the COVID- relationships with their colleagues 19 pandemic has only made it worse.and their loved ones. Though I believe the solutions to elimi- I wish you all good health and dont natingthisdisparityarecomplicatedhesitate to reach out to your health-and systematic, there are still thingscare provider for questions. wecandoasindividualstohelpusIfyouareinneedofhealthcover-email details to:info@bocnews.com achieve health.age,logontoConnectForHealthCO.com, the only place to apply for finan-type "FREE EVENT" in the subject line Here are a few tips:cial help to reduce your costs and get 1. Dontskipoutonyourannualaccess to free in-person help available state wide.16 JULY 2022 BOCNEWS.com'