b'GRAHAM . from page 4munitiesfromanti-competitiveactions.I hope that Colorados Senators Bennett andAmazons algorithms steer consumers away Hickenlooper will join Representative Buck inabipartisanconversationwiththemenfrom independent businesses and towards and women who know best whats good for ColoradosBlackcommunitythoseofusAmazons own products.But small businesses who live thereand support this bill.Just the other day, Amazon pressed its PRfeel they have no choice but to rely on a vast firmtocirculatealettersuggesting(erro-neously) that the AICOA might have nega- corporation that controls warehousing, delivery tive ramifications for minority communities. AICOAco-sponsor,RepresentativeHakeemand product placement, has absolute power Jeffries,calledtheseefforts[BigTechs] last-ditch attempt to preserve their corrosiveto regulate sellers and pockets an average of powers. I call it ignorance. 34 percent of a sellers revenue. Its no wonder Amazon should probably examine its ownpolitical scientist Robin Gaster likens the interactionswithminoritycommunities before telling us that they know best. CurrentandformerAmazonEmployees,arrangement to sharecropping.includingdiversityandinclusionprofes-sionals,saythatBlackAmazonemployees encounter an entrenched workplace culture that places them at a disadvantage for hir-ing and promotion, and a management teamAmazonclaimstosupportsmallminor- ThatswhytheBlackcommunityneeds uninterested in making needed changes. itybusinesses,but,inarecentsurveyofSenators Bennett and Hickenlooper not just WhenworkersatAmazonsBessemer,independentbusinesses,morethansixintovoteforthebillbuttodemandthat Alabama warehousewhere 85 percent oftensaidAmazonse-commercedominanceLeadership get this bill to Senate floor, now. the hourly employees are Black attempt- is a very or extremely significant challengeWe know that AICOA wont break up the edtoformauniontoto their business. Amazonsmonopolies,butitwillgivesmall,black-fightagainstlowpayalgorithmssteerconsum- owned businesses a fighting chance to get and dehumanizing work- ers away from independentourcommunitysattentionthroughthe ingconditions,Amazonbusinessesandtowardsqualityoftheirproductsandtheircom-counter-attacked with anAmazonsownproducts.mitmenttoservingcustomers.Itwillsup-oppressive campaign thatButsmallbusinessesfeelport workers fighting for justice. And it will included misinformation,they have no choice but toallow us to make decisions based not on the mandatory meetings andrelyonavastcorporationprofit-driven algorithms of some far-off com-anti-unionpropagandathatcontrolswarehous- pany, but on what we know best. in bathroom stalls ing,deliveryandproduct ChrisSmalls,aBlackplacement,hasabsoluteAkilahGrahamisalongtimecommunity Amazonwarehousepowertoregulatesellersleaderandactivist.Ms.Grahamwasan workerwhowasfiredandpocketsanaverageoforiginal Board Member of the Colorado Black onapretextafterlead- 34 percent of a sellers rev- Arts Festival, a Graduate of Senator Gloria ing a demonstration pro- enue. Its no wonder politi- TannersFutureBlackWomenLeadersof testingAmazonslackofcalscientistRobinGasterColorado Program and a Proud Member of protectivegearorhaz- likensthearrangementtoDelta Sigma Theta.ard pay early in the pan- Akilah Graham sharecropping. demic,wasdenigratedThetechmonopoliesareAkilahGrahamisalongtimecommu-byAmazonsGenerallikelynoworsethansomenityleaderandactivist.Ms.Graham Counselasnotsmartorarticulateinaother companies when it comes to respect- wasanoriginalBoardMemberofthe meetingwithCEOJeffBezos(Smallswas,ingtheBlackCommunity,andtheymayColorado Black Arts Festival, a Graduate however,smartandarticulateenoughtobe better than some. But their monopoliesofSenatorGloriaTannersFutureBlack leadasuccessfulefforttounionizethemean that we have nowhere to turn whenWomen Leaders of Colorado Program and warehousefromwhichhedbeenfired,anthey put profitability over our people. a Proud Member of Delta Sigma Theta.extraordinary achievement).BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JULY 2022 5'