b'WINDSOR . from page 18 thought President Barack Obamacate our people to the fact that we must control would bring changes for Blackour money, get ourselves involved, set up orga-America,theyshouldrememberthatchangenizations and establish more businesses and be Spanish,English,French,andDutchwereallnever comes from the top down. It always startshonest with each other. We have to be fair with involved in slave trading.from the bottom up. We as a people must orga- each other and be morally minded. Otherwise, Remember,Abrahamwasthefatherofnize ourselves to make a change. We must buildwe won\'t want to work together. We must build theHebrewsandhelivedinwhatwasthenourowncommunity,andourowneconomicup our own families and start in our own com-called Babylon, and is today Iraq. He migratedbase.Wemustorganizeonmunities. It all begins with our families. The fam-fromBabylon,whichwasacommunallevelandnotily is the basic unit of a society." theseatoftheCushitesbecometoocomplacent.WeDr.Windsorencourages,"Setupprograms (Ethiopians).Ethiopiansmust build together and carethatwillbenefitthecommunityandenhance livedfromBabylon,Southfor one another."themorals,economics,unityandloveinthe of the Euphrates River, intoHe reminds us, "Other eth- community, based on moral principles of right what is now Kuwait, Arabia,nic groups who have come toand wrong, and go from there. Everything starts andwhereSouthernArabiathis country from the time ofwith one step, as the Chinese proverb says, \'The touchesEthiopiainAfrica.its inception, have succeededjourney of a thousand miles starts with the first Eventually, they migrated toandascendedtheeconomicstep.\' " India,whichiswhyweseeandsocialladderthrough"Startwithorganizingyourownblock,then thatmanyoftheIndiansunity,workingtogether,itexpandstothenextblock,etc."statesDr. areveryblack.SomeendedandusingtheircultureasWindsor, "We can do it if we have love, patience, up in the Arabia Peninsula.asolidifyingentitytobuildand will power. Will power propels your objec-Also,beforeMohamedwenttheir communities. The Irish,tive or goal into action and motion. Love means onhisreligiousmission,heGermans, Italians, Hebrews,youhavetorespectoneanother,share,care, wasacaravandriverforaandtheCubans,whoemi- and give. You have to have compassion, mercy merchant, and he came intograted to Miami when Castroon your fellow man, and be meek and humble, contact with many Hebrews,took over Cuba in 1959, didaswellashavingtolerance,friendship,kind-and learned their teachings.it. The Cubans not only nowness, gentleness, and being considerate. Without Inhisbook,TheValleyDr. Rudolph R. Windsor control all the political offic- moralprinciples,nothingstands.Thatiswhy ofDryBones,Dr.Windsores, they own over 40 banks,the other nationalities got ahead, because they states that what is now calledandpracticallyallthehotelsandbusinesses.eachhavemoralprinciplesthattheyabideby the Star of David, and adopted as the symbol ofYou don\'t have freedom until you have economicwithin their communities." theJews,wasoriginallyusedbymanypeoplepower, and control your own community."Dr. Rudolph R. Windsor\'s newest book, Barak ofantiquity.Itwasametaphysical,spiritual Continuing, Dr. Windsor says, "When Koreansand Deborah United, is due out in about four star, often used by Muslims and other groups.came to America, they copied the Blacks, whomonths.ItisaBiblicalhistoricalnovel,about Muslims used it many times in their architec- hadstreetvendingbusinesses.However,afterBarak and Deborah in the fourth and fifth chap-tural designs. The star is comprised of two tri- they got on their feet, they began to get into retailters of the Book of Judges. In the book it explains angles, one pointing upwards, and one pointingstores. The Blacks as a whole never made thatthat Deborah was a prophetess, and Barak was downwards. Its meaning is "as above, so below."transition. And when integration was mandatedlikeaguerrillafighter,fightingtoliberatethe Whatever God\'s destiny is for the universe, thatin America, Blacks left their own communities,Hebrews from the oppression of the Canaanites. is what He intends for it to be on Earth. ThatbusinessessuchasmanufacturinghaircareThere is also a love story betweenthe two. Many is why it says in the Lord\'s Prayer: "let it be onproducts,restaurants,buscompanies,hotels,spiritualprinciplesandhistoricalfactsarewoven earth as it is in Heaven."movie theaters, and their schools, because theythroughout the book.The curses in Deuteronomy and Leviticus applythought being integrated meant to be accepted onlytothechildrenofIsraelwhodidn\'tkeepbytheWhites,andthatwouldresultinan God\'scommandmentsandactinaccordanceimprovement in their lives. withuniversallawsofrighteousness,fairness,Theywereself-deceived,becausethatwasThe curses injustice, and right treatment toward one another.nottheanswer.Theothergroupsunderstood Deuteronomy 29:1," These are the words of thethat being poor was like being a slave, and thatDeuteronomy and Leviticus covenant,whichtheLordcommandedMosesis why they created businesses and supported to make with the children of Israel in the landeach other within their own communities. Blackapply only to the children ofMoab,besidethecovenantwhichhemadeAmericans did not understand that working for with them in Horeb." (see Deuteronomy 28 forsomeone is still letting someone else control yourof Israel who didn\'t keep theblessingsandcursesofthecovenant).Dr.destiny.Therealansweristoputcommunity Windsorstatesthattheypointparticularlytoeconomic control first. It is always better to haveGod\'s commandments the Black people in America, as shown by theyour own pie, instead of having to go to someone historicalevidenceoutlinedinhisbook,Fromelse for a handout. "and act in accordance Babylon to Timbuktu. Deuteronomy28:68says,"YouwillbetakenDr.Windsorbelieves,"Whathasdestroyedwith universal laws of to Egypt again by ship, but you won\'t see it. YouBlack folks in this country is that we got mis-will be sold on auction blocks, but no one willdirected.Weplacedmostofourenergiesintorighteousness, fairness, integration, joining into someone else\'s system, buy you." Dr. Windsor believes "no one will buy you" refers to the fact that no one would \'pay ainstead of building up our own community andjustice, and right treatment ransom for you to set you free,\' as one would doour economic community. That is what makes a for someone who had been kidnapped, but theycommunity strong, and provides a legacy to leavetoward one another.would buy you only to keep you enslaved.to our children, so they have a head start in life." Dr. Windsor points out, "For the people whoHe continues, "What we can do now is to edu-ORGANIST / PIANIST NEEDED!Organist/Pianist needed for worship services to include Prelude, Postlude,Accompaniment for all Hymns and Choir. CALL Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church:303-322-5983|Hours 9AM-2PMBODY OF CHRIST NEWS JULY 2022 19'