b'CENTENARIANElizabeth Folks is Turning 105By Sisters Enterprise purse and gloves!Ofcourse,shealwaysspeaks M RS.ELIZABETHFOLKSwashighlyaboutherPastor,Rev. born on July 4, 1917 in Dallas,EugeneDowningaswellasthe Texas later growing up in St. Louis,otherkind&friendlyNewHope Missouri.Shehad2brothersandBaptistChurchparishioners(who 1 sister (Emma).She finished theregularly come out to visit her). Liz 10th grade and at age 19, headedisalwaysontimeformostofher to New York City - "The Big Apple!"daily activities, especially when it is Shegotajobdancingwiththetime to engage in her favorite game "LittleHoneyDanceGroup,"and(bingo). performedinvariousnightclubs with the likes of Sammy Davis, Jr.,Continuingtomaintainaposi-Ray Charles and others. tive attitude at age 104, this phe-Becauseshehadasensefornomenalcentenarianamazesresi-fashion, she belonged to the Browndents and staff with her kind, car-Skin Model Club. Said Liz, "Boy diding and tenacious personality. She we have fun back then!" After get- loves eating chicken from Popeye\'s ting married, she and her husbandChicken, whenever a friend surpris-movedbacktoSt.Louiswherees her with one of her favorite foods. sheperformedfromtimetotime.Liz enjoys a fun & stress-free life Elizabeth was married three times,while living at one of Denver\'s fin-but never had children.estseniorresidentialcenters.She When she moved to Denver, sheloves how her room looks & smells becameinvolvedintheOrderofwhen it is filled with sweet spirits & the Eastern Star as Worthy Matronfresh flowers.While thanking God of the Prince Hall affiliate. Keepingfor gifting her with the gift of lon-herfingersinthefashionworld,gevity, she is looking forward to her Lizenjoyedworkingfortheworldupcoming 105th birthday that will famous,well-knownNeustetersoccur on July 4th. Stores as a sales associate.Herferventadvicetoothersis: ServingtheDenverareafor"work hard, do well and don\'t stress nearly75years,thefamily-ownedby worrying about things that you NeustetersStoresaccommodatedhave no control over."someoftheworld\'smostfamous clientelewhowereattractedto Denverbasedonitscosmopolitan popularity surrounded by beautifulWork hard, do well mountains,healthysunshineand lotsoffun.SaysLiz,"Iammostand don\'t stress proud of the jobs that I\'ve had over theyears,andhowwellI\'vebeenby worrying about treated with ample doses of love & kindness." Liz has been a memberthings that you have ofNewHopeBaptistChurchfor welloverhalfacentury,andsheno control over.stilllooksforwardtodressingup (sometimes in favorite, stylish, pas-tel dress) with matching hat, shoes, BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JULY 2022 17'