b'WORDS FROM THE THRONEOnly I KnowBy Mary Lu SaddorisMydear,dearchild,come. Comeuntome.Donotwalk away. I AM here now with you. Look unto me, my precious one. Do not let the cares of this world distractyou.Keepyourfocus upononlyme.Dearone,allow my peace that passes all under-standing to cover you. Know that the world cannot give you peace. It offers only lures that will lead you away from me and into eter-nal destruction. AsyoureaduponmyWord each day, know that it will trans-form your mind and renew your heart.Child,resteasyinmy safe harbor. No passing storm or heavywindscanhurtorharmMary Lu Saddorisyou. My righteous right hand is upon you. Dear one, I will keepYouwillnotstumbleorfall.I you hidden in the shadow of mywill make you steady on, as you wings. travel on with me. Child,onlyIknowtheplansDear one, place all of your hope Ihaveplannedforyou.Donotand trust in only me. Know that stress. I AM going before you toI AM the only Way. I AM the only make the crooked paths straight.Truth.Child,IAMtheEternal I will pull down the high and loftyLife. Without me, you would be mountains that have been placedso very lost. Child, continue on in your life. I will level and makewith me. I will lead you to where I smooth your path as you travel.would have you to be. I will guide you, my child. Listen for my voice callingyoutofollowmylead. Stayyourcourse.Donotallow the distractions of this world to get you off course. They will walk andChild, I AM calling you to share me and my love with all the lost not become faint.onesyouencounter.Praywith them to be forgiven of all of their Then they willsins.Covertheminmyshed bloodastheyreceivemeinto begin to tell otherstheirhearts.WatchasIbring changesintheirlivesthatwill about me and myamaze you.love and concern Dear one, know that as I have said, I AM coming again to bring for them. mychildrenhomebeforethe wraththatiscominguponthis earth.Bewatching.Beready.I AM coming. My dear, dear, pre-cious, precious child.bocnews.comBODY OF CHRIST NEWS SEPTEMBER 2023 follow us onfacebook 9'