b'SCRIPTUREWord of the September(FEAST OF TRUMPETS: LEVITICUS 23: 23-25) ily, children, marriage, work, business, ministry, S eptember is a great time of the yearand all I carry in my heart.EPHESIANS 3:20to remind ourselves of Gods Love,PSALM 23: 6 Surely Your goodness and unfail-Goodness, Faithfulness, Care, and the Powering love will pursue me all days of my life, and I of His Living Word and Divine Promises.will live in your house forever.PSALM 13: 5-6,NUMBERS 23:19 (God cant lie). Love, PRAY:Father God in Jesus Name, I repentPastor Polly Sanders-Peterson of my sins, known or unknown and I recom- covenanthouseoflove.commit, and renew my faith in You and Your Living Word.Thank You for releasing an303-744-2122abundance of Your harvest over my life, fam-BODY OF CHRIST NEWS SEPTEMBER 2023 follow us onfacebook 11'