b"Dr. Syl Morgan-Smith , Communicator and Community Leader, was one of the first African American television news anchor-women in Colorado. She was a weather forecaster, sportscaster, television talk show host, news-paper editor, and popular radio announcer and newscaster. In 31 years, she honored more than 450 individuals and organizations for excellence in Christian and com-munity service, as the Founder and President of the Colorado Gospel Music Academy & Hall of Fame. She served on many boards of directors including Children's Hospital, First Interstate Bank, and Metro Denver Urban League. At New Hope Baptist Church she serves as an ordained deaconand member of the MajesticPraise Choir.GMDMA & NAACP D r Syl Morgan-Smith flew 16 hours alone toAddress Gun ViolenceRio deJaneiro Brazil in South America to sur-prise her California son Andre DosSantos Morgan andDenverdaughterShivaShinti-MaxeyafterR ev Dr. Thomas Mayes chaired a Mediawere joined by other concerned group that they said the trip was too strenuous due to herBriefing and Prayer Event August 29,included senior leaders of the FBI, Aurora recent hip replacement surgery. Once their initial2023atFriendshipBaptistChurchofandDenverPoliceDepartments,the shock lessened, the three of them enjoyed qual- Christ Jesus,880 Fairfax in Denver. TheInterfaith Task Force, the Anti Defamation ity family time in Buzio Brazil at Andrs Beachfocus was Gun Violence in Metro DenverLeagueproperty. They were joined by North Carolina andandtheWhiteSupremacymurdersinand others. They all gave the same mes-Missouri cousins -Jonette and Jaleesa Williams.Jacksonville,Florida.TheConvenorssage,We must never let hate win.Our Sylsaidconfidently,Icandoallthingsthruwere the Greater Metro Denver Ministerialyouth are depending on for intervention, Christ which strengthens me. Phil 4:13 Alliance,ColoStateNAACPandthehumanpoliciesandprogramsthatkeep Aurora and Denver NAACP Branches. Theythem safe.20 SEPTEMBER 2023 BOCNEWS.com"