b'GUN VIOLENCE . continued from page 2thatwithouttheproliferationof NEW FORMAT COMING SOONgunstheshootingswouldnotbelaws are among the worst in the country,hesaid,describing possible. the commonwealth as the gun-Dr.ValdaCrowder,direc- running capital of the world.TO BODY OF CHRIST NEWS torofEmergencyMedicineatthe Scott says an assault weapons UniversityofPittsburghMedicalban must be instituted because Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvaniatheonlythingthatassault witnesses the carnage up close on aweapons are good for is killing regular basis. And its gotten so badmanypeoplequickly.Hesaid that while treating victims; she andthereisalsoneedforsizeable othermedicalprofessionalsmustgun magazine limitations. There also protect themselves. areactuallylimitationsonthe Manyemergencydepartmentssize of a gun magazine to pro-nowhavearmedguardsbecausetect ducks but no limits on the therehavebeenthreatsagainstsize of gun magazines to protect emergencymedicinephysicians,people, he said.nurses,andhospitals.Therehave After a rash of mass shootings, been actual shootings where emer- includingtheracistkillingsof gencymedicalphysicianswere10 people at a Buffalo, New York killed,Crowdersaidinaninter- grocerystorebya19-year-old view.SomanynowhavearmedWhite man, the U. S. House and guards as a result of the increasedSenate finally passed a historic threats.Manyalsohavemachinesbi-partisangunbillthatwas thatyouhavetogothroughjustsigned into law by President Joe like the airport and metal detectors.Biden on July 11 last year. The Patientsaresometimeswanded.first significant gun legislation in Thosethingsusedtoneveroccurmore than 30 years, it includes 20 or 25 years ago. I think peopleenhancedrestrictionsongun shouldrealizethatanypersonorownershipbypeopleconvicted entity that anyone could get mad atof certain violent crimes; includ-is a potential victim. ing domestic abuse. But it still Crowderisamongthosestrug- failstoincluderestrictionson gling to end the carnage. Among alarge bullet magazines. In fact, list of unique initiatives to end gunasimilarracistkillingofthree violence include the following: BlackpeopleinJacksonville, FloridarecentlyonAugust26Crowderrecallshowthehis- wasbya21-year-oldWhite toricphotoofthemutilatedman who reportedly bought the body of Emmett Till, publishedAR-15-styleriflelegally.Biden inJETmagazine,stunnedthesaidhedidntgetallthathe worldandhasbeencreditedwanted in the new law, but he withsparkingthemoderndayvowed to keep trying.civil rights movement. Crowder believes that same kind of stun- Still,goodoldfashionedhome ning moment could work againtrainingthatinstillsnon-violent byplacingondisplaybodiesmorals and values is the best way that have been mutilated by gunto deter violence, says Bailey.violence.In1955,theopen-casketfuneralofEmmettTillTherespectforlife,howyour [r20.rs6.net]drewinternationalparentsraisedyoumatter.Ifyou attention to the savagery of Jimbelievehumanbeingsarevalu-Crowsegregation,spurringaableyouwouldntshootsomeone national civil rights movement,atallletaloneshootthemfora Crowder wrote in an op-ed earlynon-violentoffense,Baileysaid. this year. Now almost 68 yearsButinmanyshootingsnowthat later, we must do something toare not self defense or life or death, stop the gun violence. Openingpeople are said to have a beef over the casket of someone who wassomethingthatsnon-violentand shotbyanassaultrifleinathepersonescalatesittoviolence mass shooting may be the shockbygrabbingagunandshooting thenationneeds.Itmaybesomeone.the photograph that launches aParents, teachers and school offi-bigger, broader movement over- cials could be in on this training in whelming the clout of gun man- conflict resolution, Bailey says.ufacturers and other entrenched influences. ChildrenareontheplaygroundU.S.Rep.BobbyScott,whobumpingintoeachotherallthe held a Gun Violence Preventiontime. How teachers and counselors Roundtable,in2019followinghandle it goes a long way in teach-an incident in which 13 peopleingalittlekidthatitsnormative were killed in a mass shooting,tojumparoundandbumpinto listedastringofVirginiakill- eachother.Butitsnotnormative ings and gun injuries near theto bump into each other and knock area where Sierra Jenkins andthem down and not try to help them DevonHarriswerekilled.Weortrytoofferthemassistance. have evidence available to showThose are the kinds of things that that affective policies can reducestarttheprocess.Theotherthing 1. Lucinda Moore - Lord I6.Elevation Worship - Can theseshootings,Scottsays.is you can also do roll play of argu-Hear You You Imagine Whentheyareimplemented,ments so that young people can rec-2.Brent Jones - Nothing7.P.J. Morton - Watch Theognize what you should and should Else Matters Sun background checks work. Everynot say in the middle of a really big 3.Eric Waddell - The8.Whitney Houston - I Goday,backgroundchecksstopargument. Young men are often 18, Journey To The Rock nearly250dangerousindi- 19, 20 years old; so they can drive 4.Tasha Cobbs-Leonard -9.Jonathan McReynolds -vidualsfrombeinghandedaandmovearound.Theyjustmay Hymns My Truth firearm.However,thesesamenotknowhowtohandleconflict. 5.Kierra Sheard - All Yours 10. Lauren Daigle - Self peoplecangotoagunshowWe should be very involved in this and purchase a firearm withoutprocess.any background check. Virginia 4 SEPTEMBER 2023 BOCNEWS.com'