b'SCRIPTUREOne Person can Make a Difference By Sheila Smith assignment in Uganda and Rwanda. There are different kinds of working, but in all She says before traveling to conflict zones sheof them and in everyone it is the same God at I f you live in Colorado, you have seen her facework, and connects with people in the area whowork. makes sure she is prayed up, done her home-ontelevision.Shehasbeenintheforefrontknow the language and culture, as well as notify-hostingawardceremoniesandprogramsining the state department and the Committee to Denver. She has done talk shows. She has beenProject Journalists. seen nationally from the documentaries she hasMeanwhile, Banks is enjoying married life in reported on and produced. Atlanta and still working on different projectsThat is Tamara Banks. from a film on excessive police brutality across AnEmmy-awardwinningtheU.S.tohertalkshow,Today, South Sudan has iconjournalistanddocu- From Moment to Movement mentary filmmaker who con- with Tamara Banks. been battling severe tinuesdoingherownthingWhile she may love Denver, and being out in the trench- Atlantaistheplacetobedroughts, flooding, and esbringingstoriestothenow.people. Atlantaisthebirthplaceinternal conflict. It has IknowwhatIamcalled to do. I know what needs toofCivilRights.BlackLivesbecome a battleground be done, Banks says as youMatterhasreallytakena hearherpassionandcall- footholdinfrontofaglobalof religious spiritual and inginbeingajournalistofaudience.Itsaplacewhere integrity. CivilRightswasbornandwarfare as the enemy hasevolvedwithadiffer-Banks graced the televisionent generation taking up theof Jesus leads powerful network stage as an anchor/ mantle.reporter for almost 13 yearsAnadmirablesuperstarmilitary factions in the forWB2NewsChannel2journalist like Banks sets the News back in the day. barhighforothersinthefight to take control of the She then went to work forTamara Banks field.ShehasfaithinGod formerDenverMayorJohnleading her to continue utiliz- countryHickenlooperasoneofhising her gifts.policy advisors and neighborhood liaison.So, whatever you do in life to help to support, I connected him with neighborhoods and com- informorevenprayforothers,remember:I munities in the City and County of Denver, saysCorinthians 12:4-6 There are different kinds of Banks while still using her communications tal- gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There ents to engage with people throughout the city. are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. Later, Banks left Denver to expand her career toworkonanationalandinternationallevel, researchingandreportingongenocidesand crimes against humanity.She quickly became widely known and recog-nized for her work producing documentaries and long format pieces, reporting on what was going on in Sudan back in 2008.Irealizedourpeople,Blackpeople,arestill beingenslavedindifferentpartsoftheworld. And I specifically started focusing on the south-ernpartofSudanandDarfur,sheexplains. Slavery was being used as a tool of genocide.ItwasnotuntilJuly2011,SouthSudan seceded from Sudan, becoming the worlds new-est country.However,today,SouthSudanhasbeenbat-tling severe droughts, flooding, and internal con-flict. It has become a battleground of religious spiritualandwarfareastheenemyofJesus leadspowerfulmilitaryfactionsinthefightto take control of the country.And despite hundreds of people killed, thou-sandswounded,anddiplomatsfromdiffer-ent countries, including those from the United States,scramblingtoevacuatetheunrestin thecityofKhartoum,inneighboringcountry, Sudan, South Sudan continues to strive to stand strong and independent.The power struggle is real.Itsaboutreligion,race,andresourcesthat started the Civil War. There is a lot of oil in South Sudan and Sudan.BankshasnotbeenbacktoSouthSudan sincetheCOVID-pandemichitandrestricted travel.Butsheplanstogobackthisyearas well as to the Tigray Region in northern Ethiopia tocontinuereportingongenocideandcrimes against humanity. Banks is also working on an 8 MAY 2023 BOCNEWS.com'