b'OBITUARIESJames Truesdale Sr.,April 4, 1932February 3, 2023J amesTruesdaleSr.,wasbornretired as SFC E6. He served in theHe was preceded in death by his inKershaw,SCApril4,1932;Vietnam and Korean wars, achiev- loving wife, Gladys Truesdale and toJosephandMarthaTruesdale.ingnumerousawardsandhon- his son Deacon James Truesdale, He was raised to be a hard worker.ors including several medals. MostJr. Hewasborninthecountryandimportantly, he earned the respectDeaconTruesdalewillbegreat-wasaccustomedtoworkingfromand honor of the men who servedlymissedbyhisdaughters, sun up to sun down and expectedunderhim.Heheldmanytitles,StephanieTruesdaleandNorvella thesamefromeveryonearoundwhichincludedHusband,Father,Samake,andanadopteddaugh-him. He took over as the lead of hisGrandfather,tutor,andteacher.ter, Veronica Luckett all of Denver, immediate family early in life.HeandhiswifeGladysoperatedCO.Grandsons,WarrenWake, Hewasmarriedtotheloveofadaycarecalled"Don\'tWorryBeLawrence his life, Gladys for over 60 years.Happy,"intheirhomeformanyBarker II, Brandon and Danzeal Deacon Truesdale joined the Armyyears.BUThismostimportantTruesdale, and James 0. Truesdale in July of 1950, traveled the world,an1treasuredrolewasaDeaconIII, Granddaughters, Mrs. Yolanda andproudlyservedourcountryatKingBaptistChurchforoverSmithandShariaTruesdaleas foratotalof25years,wherehe30 years. He also loved serving thewell as other grandchijdren, great-Lord as an overseer of the Mother\'sgrandchildren,great-greatgrand-Board and the Mission Department children, godchildren and a host of In his spare time, he enjoyed gar- nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, He had a long life, builtdening, fishing, and studying andand church family.teaching the Word of God.James Truesdale Sr. many memories, and hasHehadalonglife,builtmanyDeaconTruesdalewasafaith-ful worker, mentor, and friend. HeHe passed away peacefully at home changed many lives. memories, and has changed manywas a man of integrity and believedin his sleep on Feb 3rd, 2023lives.thataman\'swordwashisbond. Pastor Richard L. Gates Jr.,September 11, 1944March 24, 2023a lifestyle that was likely going tounwaveringdevotiontoholiness,thosesolemnvows,"Forbetter leadhimonadestructivepath.and his passion to see people giveand worse. Through sickness and However, sometime after his 21sttheir lives to Christ. He also faith- health. For richer or poorer". birthday,HebeganattendingfullyservedtheCentralDistrictThen, on Friday, March 24, 2023, Evangelist Temple Church of GodoftheJurisdictionofColoradothey both submitted to the sover-in Christ under the leadership ofastheMasterofCeremoniesforeign will of God and His divine wis-the late Superintendent, Dr. J.L.manyyears.Itwasevidentthatdom, as He called Pastor Richard Washinton.GodanointedhimasaLeviteasL. Gates Jr., from labor into eter-Through his dynamic and com- hewouldinvokethepresenceofnal rest. Pastor Richard L. Gates, pellingpreaching,PastorGatesthe Lord as he led the saints intoJr.,yourfamilysalutesyou.We receivedChristandbeganhisworship. in other words, we werearegratefulforthejourneywe journeytofulfillthecallofGodgonnahavechurch!!!After25sharedwithyou,Andwecommit in his life to minister the Gospel.yearsofservingintheKingdomyouintothelovingcareofour Asfateanddestinywouldhaveas a pastor in the Lord\'s church,HeavenlyFatherwitharesound-it, in June of 1972, Pastor Gatesthe decision was made to close theing,"WELLDONETHOUGOOD went to a revival at Bethel Churchdoors of Grace Tabernacle ChurchAND FAITHFUL SERVANT!"of God in Christ where he met aof Christ in December of 2005. Richard L. Gates Jr.beautiful young lady there namedFromthattime, Patricia.Pastor and Evangelist PastorRicardL.Gates,Jr.wasBythetimeheknewanything,MissionaryGates receivedintothislifeinWichita,he was smitten, in roughly a yearservedinministry Kansas by his parents, Richard L.aftermeeting,theyreceivedtheprimarilyatRosePastor Gates was a Gates,Sr.andCatherineMaxineblessing of her parents, Hubert andofSharonChurch Gates(Richardson)onSeptemberofGodinChrist 11,1944.HewastheeldestsonWillieMaeSmith,andhismoth- withPastorMelvinprayerful man. He and the second oldest of eight sib- er, Mother Richardson , and wereStevenson.They married on July 21, 1973. By the lings.theearliestyearsofhisgrace and favor of God, they werewouldalsovisitwas known for his Fromblessedtonurturethreeamazingvariouschurch-childhood, it became obvious thatchildren;aprecociouslittlegirlesintheColoradolife for the elderly he had a strong will and a strengthnamedCelenaandtwodashing- Jurisdictionasthey were led by the Holy ofcharacterthathismotherandly handsome young men, RichardSpirit, helping wher- and the outcast, father encouraged and taught himIIIandKenneth.Afterservingevertheycould. how to develop. As a child, he wasunder Bishop Phillip H.Porter at All activeinthefamilychurch,andNations Pentecostal Center ChurchWhilePastorGateshis commitment ataboutfiveyearsold,hewasofGodinChristforeightyears,acknowledgedthe sacrifice and dedica-crowned the Bible Drill King!Pastor Gates responded to the calltion of all who stoodto teaching, his Duringhisearlyteenageyears,ofpastoringinOctoberof1980besidehim,thereis andfoundedGraceTabernacle his mother remarried and the fam- Church of God in Christ. From theonewhostoodoutunwavering devotion ilyrelocatedtoDenver,Coloradostorefront church on East Champaamong them all. where Pastor Gates attended WesttothechurchbuildingonLoganThroughthemanyto holiness, and his High School, He loved cooking andStreet,thefaithfulmembersoftrials of life, marriage, laterwenttoworkasacookfor Wyatt\'sCafeteria.ThefamilyhadGraceTabernaclewerededicatedfamily, and ministry,passion to see people grown to six children living in theto their pastor and their church asPastorGateswas they did all they could to assist himalways able to count home and Pastor Gates would workin fulfilling the God-given vision heandleanheavilyongive their lives to as many hours as he could to helphad.hisdearanddevot-support the family.daysofbeingPastorGateswasaprayerfuledwifeofnearly50Christ.Strayingfromhisman.Hewasknownforhislifeyears.Shewalked KingofBibleDrill,inhisyoungfortheelderlyandtheoutcast,every step of the life adultyears,PastorGateswan- hiscommitmenttoteaching,hisshe shared with him deredawayfromthechurchintoincommitmentto 22 MAY 2023 BOCNEWS.com'