b"COMMUNITYWhy? quently been arrested and chargedLetronBrown,20,ofTuskegee,EmmanuelSiahCollins,19,and in the mass shootings well. was arrested and also charged withCorbin Dehmontery Holston, 23. ThetwoinitiallyarrestedareTyfourcountsofrecklessmurder,The Sweet Sixteen party was given ReikMcCullough,17,andTravistheagencysaid.Andrecently,aforDowell'ssister;hediedinher McCullough,16.Thetwoboyswill15-year-old boy from Tuskegee alsoarms after being shot.was arrested.S ix men have now been arrestedbe tried as adults. Both of the youngThe six men are accused of killingThebirthdaypartywasheldfor in Alabama for four murders men are from Tuskegee, Alabama. Alexis Dowdell in the town square. Police initially arrested two teen- Willie George Brown Jr., 19, wasfour people on Saturday in Dadeville,A witness said a mother paused the agebrothersandchargedthemarrested Thursday and charged withwhichis30milesfromTuskegee.partytoaskpeoplewithgunsto with killing four people at a Sweetfour counts of reckless murder, theThoseslainarePhilstaviousleave.Sixteen Party in Dadeville, Alabama.AlabamaLawEnforcementAgencyPhilDowdell,18,ShaunkiviaThirty-twopeoplewerewounded Four other young men have subse- said.EarlierThursday,JohnnyNicoleKeKeSmith,17,Marsiahand four are in critical condition.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAY 2023 follow us onfacebook 23"