b'Childrens Easter Pageant and Breakfast Rev Walker K arenMoham,RodneyNorman,PhyllisChapman, Joyce Thomas, Donna Pate and other youth coun- 90th BDAY!selorsatNewHopeBaptistChurchledaspectacular Easter production, We were there, in New Hopes Family LifeCenter,Sunday,April2.Theprofessionalevent involved children of all ages, young adults and mature saints portraying key Bible individuals, which included the mother and disciples of Jesus Christ. In vivid details they showed the personal sides of these familiar biblical personalities and their thoughts surrounding the cruci-fixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The well- written play was informative, spiritual and enjoyable for the 200 plus attendees, as they enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast. Rev. Dr. Eugene Downing Jr. D. Min., is Lead Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, and had just returned from a three-month Sabbatical leave and Christian pilgrimage.Annual Seven Last Words - Good Friday Worship at Macedonia Baptist ChurchR ev.RodneyPerry,Coachand MissionMentorforAmerican BaptistConference,intheRocky MountainStatesRegionhadthe pulpitandaudienceontheirfeetR evCarlWalker,wellknown ashedeliveredtheSixthWord,DenverMinisterandentrepre-ItisFinished,attheAnnualneurcelebratedhis90thBirthday Macedonia Baptist Churchs Sevenwithfamilyandclosefriends Last Words - Good Friday Worship, Saturday,April15,2023,inthe Friday, April 7, 2023. The otherparty room of his delightful, assist-SixpreacherswereRev.Dr.edlivingfacility.JeanetteCollins, TimothyTylerofShorterAMEhisdaughterandeventcoordina-Church,PastorsJohnandMarytor spared no expense in preparing TellisofSolomonTempleBaptistadeliciousSoulFoodBuffetthat Church,PastorMadlyneTombswasservedtoadoringguests.Rev ofNewLifeChristianCenter,Walker is blind but could still see PastorRichardLewisofHouseofand feel the love of 60 attendees.Hope Christian Ministry, and Rev. DwightSeawood,interimPastor of Macedonia Baptist Church. The worshiphadfantasticmusicandErnie Bill good attendance.HomegoingAnnual Seven Last Words - Women at theCross Good Friday WorshipP astorReginaldHolmesofNew CovenantChristianCenterChurch hosted his 24th Annual Seven Last Words -WomenattheCrossGoodFriday Worship, Friday, April 7, at the ColoradoT helifeofErnie(Bill) JurisdictionHeadquarters,ChurchesofCampbell- highly regard-GodinChrist(COGIC)Headquartersined gospel baritone singer at Aurora, Colorado The Seven Last Words ofPilgrim Rest Baptist Church, Jesus Christ on the Cross were deliveredthenlocatedat32ndand by seven stellar and spirit-filled women.LeydenStreetsduringthe Including Pastor Kay Farley, Pastor Odie70s and 80s- was celebrat-Kennedy, Rev. Angela Faison, Evangelistedwithmemoriesanda Jacqueline Moore, Dr. Carla Coburn, Dr.backtobasicsworshipin TawanaDavisandFirstLadyRachaelthePipkinBraswellChapel Hughes. This annual Pre-Easter event isofPeace.Campbellworked always highly anticipated, and it never dis- at UPS and RTD, as his late appoints. Special kudos to Pastor HolmeswifeGwendolynCampbell for his foresight to showcase the talentedworked at Northwestern Bell preaching women of Metro Denver. and other places as a book-keeper.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAY 2023 follow us onfacebook 21'