b"SERMONThe Repairer of the Breach MinistriesBy Jackie Calloway years.Thisclasspointspeopletonext conference will be DONT BE theBibleandprayer.Also,theDECEIVED.classprovidessmallgroupfellow-Holy Spirit has also given me the H elloeveryonethisisPastorshipwithotherswhohavelostcharge as an older woman, to teach JackieCallowaycomingtolovedones.Ihighlyrecommendandcounseltheyoungerwomen you by the Grace and Strength ofthat class. that reach out to me.Almighty God. I was asked to writeSotoday,IdontfeelnowaysTosumthisallup,Iambusy this article to give you an update ontired. Ive come too far from where Ialertingpeopletothefactthat how I am doing since Pastor Ronniestarted from, to quote an old song.Jesusiscomingsoon.Thingsare Calloway went to be with Jesus. The Lord is my Light and my salva- fast winding up. In case you dont Ronnie transitioned on DecembertionwhomshallIfear?TheLordknow it, perilous times are here. So 7,2020.Hisdeparturewasveryis the strength of my life; of whomhowshouldwebelivinginthese peacefulashewasexcitedtoseeshall I be afraid? (Psalms 27:1) last days? We are going to the high-Jesus face to face.As much as IThe Lord told me that my assign- waysandthehedgesandcompel-misshim,Imthankfulthatheismenthasnotchanged.Iamstillling people to come in. Its raining safely home and healed.allowing Him to Repair Breaches inoutside so come on in the house.Iamdoingverywell.Ihaveother peoples lives through me, byIfyouhaventrepentedofyour grieveddeeplybecauseIdidlovethe power of the Holy Ghost accord- sins, asked Jesus to come into your andwasloveddeeply.However,Jackie Calloway ing to the word of God.heartandmadeHimtheLordof the word of God states that we asAndreaMosbyJones,Rhondayour life. I beg you to do so today. believers dont grieve as those whoWilliams,mydaughter,AzlanDont let it be too late. The Lord is havenohope.(1stThessaloniansChrist. Williams,mygrandson,Pastornot slack concerning His promise as 4:13) But I would not have you to beSpending time in the word of GodFelicia Smith, and Evangelist Linneasome men count slackness; but is ignorant brethren, concerning themeverydaywasnothingnewtomeHutt, Debi McFarland, Janell Grantlong-suffering to us-ward, not will-whichareasleep,thatyesorrowbefore Ronnie left. Being consistentandIhaveteameduptopresenting that any should perish but that not, even as others which have notwith my time with Jesus has beento the community a series of fam- all should come to repentance. (2nd hope. I have the hope of seeing all ofmycomfort,myhealingandmyily conferences. The theme of eachPeter 3:9) my loved ones again who have fallenonly source of strength. I also wentconferenceisHOWTHENSHALLThisisJackieCallowayIm asleep in Jesus. But most of all mythrough a thirteen-week GriefshareWELIVE?ThenextconferenceBlessed, and Im still in Awe of HIM! hope is in seeing and spending eter- classthreetimesinthelasttwowillbeheldonJuly1,2023withThat is how I am doing!nity with my Savior and Lord Jesusspecifics to follow. The topic for this SCRIPTUREMay's Word: TransitionJust as May is a time we Jeremiah 29:11Hebrews 11:6 can expect Transition, weWhen God transitions us, God never leaves nor for-can expect Transition withwe can expect: sakes us.God. Isiah 43:19GodneverchangesnorDeuteronomy 31:6Transition means change:his unconditional love forLove, The process or a period ofus. change, from one state orPastor Polly Sanders-condition to another.(All Romans 8: 38-39 Peterson ways expect good fromWegrowinintima- covenanthouseoflove.comGod)Psalm 84:11, cyandFaithwithGod.303-744-2122HEBREWS 11:6 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS MAY 2023 follow us onfacebook 17"