b'END TIMESCode of Conduct or Silence?By Michael Forti as far as it depends on you, live at peace withHavingsaidthat,toomanyPoliceOfficers everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, buttoday are unaware of Gods protection, and His LEAVE ROOM for Gods WRATH, for it is writ- judgement. This is why there needs to be more Butmarkthis,therewillbeterribletimesten: It is Mine to avenge; I will REPAY says thepeople like Nathan when it comes to Cops who in the last days. People will be lovers of them- Lord (Rom 12:14-20NIV84).are abusing their badge of immunity. Just like selves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abu- Does God want all believers to step out of theDavid, someone needs to help them understand sive,disobedienttotheirparents,ungrateful,way when it comes to dealing with those whothattheywilleventuallystumbleiftheycon-unholy,withoutlove,unforgiving,slanderous,persecute you. Everyone should be supportingtinue to error. Whether they have been involved without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good,those in authority, especially Cops. Yet, when iswith Police misconduct or a witness of it, they treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasureit time to BLOW the WISTLE on those who arearestillgoingtobeheldaccountableifthey rather than lovers of God, having a form of god- slipping? Is it OK to warn the authorities, send- dont speak up. liness but DENYING ITS POWER. Have nothinging a signal that God will JUDGE those who doGod will lift His awesome hedge of protection to do with them (2 Tim 3-1-3NIV84).wrong?offofthemandtheirfami-Can you just imagine the LEVEL of VIOLENCEKing David who represent- lies. Many who have partici-that Police Officers have to cope with? If theyedalllevelsofGodgivenpated within the Blue Code arenotpushingapenbehindthedesk,theyauthority,waswarnedbyofSilencehavebecome are out on the streets fighting for freedom. Arethe Prophet Nathan. NathanblindedbySatanwithout Officers being appreciated or spit on? God givesministeredtoDavid,allow- even knowing it. Sad to say, detailedinstructionsconcerningtherespectinghimtobeawareofhissomehavebecomeworse that all people need to be giving to the authori- blindingactionsthatwerethantheGoodfellows, ties.Everyonemustsubmithimselftothemotivatedbylust.Davidwhileimplicatingothersin governing authorities, for there is no authoritycommitted adultery with thetheircorruption.Isawa exceptthatwhichGodhasestablished.Thewife of one of his most faith- YouTubevideoshowinga authorities that exist have been established byfulwarriorsnamedUriah.strong Police Officer, yelling God. Consequently, he who rebels against theHow did David thank Uriah?atayoungblackmanwho authoritiesisrebellingagainstwhatGodhaswascuffed,andwhowas instituted, and those who do so will bring judg- DavidstoleUriahswife,refusing to get into the Cop ment on themselves. For rulers hold no terrormade love to her, and thencar. forthosewhodoright,butforthosewhodohedeliberatelyhadUriahTheOfficer,losinghis wrong.DoyouwanttobefreeoftheOneinsent to the battle fronts to bepatients and temper, tried to authority?ThendowhatisrightandHewillkilled.BecauseDavidcom- forcefully get the black man commend you. (Rom 13:1-3NV84). mitted this selfish and ruth- Michael Forti into his police car. Another However, does God want people to submit toless act, God allowed him tofemale Officer then took the authoritiesthathavebecomecompromised?suffer GREAT LOSS. Out ofyoung man by the arm over What should people do when they are unjustlyyour own household, I am going to bring calam- to her police car where he could be safe. The persecuted? Should people take a stand by cor- ity upon you. The sword will never depart fromhefty Cop then went over and put a hand-held recting those with a badge? What does the Wordyour house. The son born to you will die (2choke hold on the female Officer (All caught on Say? Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyoneSam 12:1-14). I am sure that there is no onebody cam). No question. Being a Cop has got to evilforevil.BecarefultodowhatisRIGHTtoday who can be compared to King David, fac- be a stressful job.intheeyesofeverybody.IFITISPOSSIBLE,ing the giants. Within the past 24 years of volunteering in the local State and City Prisons and Jails, my wife and I have witnessed activities on both sides of the isle. Many Officers have welcomed us into the facilities with open arms, while other have done everything to hinder our access, turning us away at the main entrance, shutting down Bible studies for no reason, hiding music equip-Should the new recruits take the pathment,hinderingthedistributionofBibles. Onetime,aftertheprisongavetheapproval to allow 32 inmates into the Bible study, one of least resistance, spill the beans, orofficer decided to ignore the Wardens approval. He would only allow 16 into the room because of my wife being a woman. Within two months, simply join in with the corruption tothe Officer was relocated. information about Googling to find out more avoid persecution and harassment? Canthe Code of Silence clearly opened my eyes as to the dangers of exposing the corruption that takes place within prisons and Police Precincts. those who follow the Code of ConductOfficers are afraid to blow the whistle or to con-front their fellow co-workers in fear of rejection or severe retaliation. Citizens fear the same if trust their superiors? To the best ofthey come forward to expose Police misconduct and false reporting. Who knows, whistle blow-my knowledge, the City of Castle Rocking citizens could end up in jail, facing several yearsinprisonwiththousandsofdollarsin attorneysfeesbasedonafalsePolicereport. doesnt tolerate Police misconduct.Who wants to take the risk?Governmentplay WhatpartdoestheCity whenitcomestoholdingOfficersandtheir ChiefsaccountableforPolicemisconduct?If theydonotholdPoliceOfficersaccountable, they will also find themselves under the WRATH of the Almighty. But how can the City Officials know whats going on unless they are informed. Continued on Page 188 JANUARY 2023 BOCNEWS.com'