b'COLORADO COLLEGEDr. Mike EdmondsAnnounceshis RetirementD r. Mike Edmonds, senior vice president, of Colorado College will retire after a 30+ year career at the college in May 2023.Dr.Edmondsoriginallyhails fromClarksville,Tennessee, holds a bachelor of arts, masters, and Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi,whereheserveson theLiberalArtsBoard,sitson theOleMissCampaignSteering Committee, and is a double Hall ofFamegraduate.Healsocom-pleted a post-graduate institute at Harvard University and is a grad-uateoftheCenterforCreative Leadership. Until his retirement, Edmonds will continue to oversee theFACandworkonexternal partnerships and relations criticalDr. Mike Edmondsto Colorado College.Edmondschangedtheland-scapeofColoradoCollege,illus- mendouscareerandthelasting tratingthepowerofinclusiveimpacthehasmadeonCC,the leadership.HeisthefirstBlackcollegehasestablishedtheMike leadertoserveaspresidentinEdmonds Legacy Fund to provide the colleges history and has beenresources for future generations of integral to advancing the collegesstudentsofallbackgroundsand institutionalinitiativesincludingallow access to all CC has to offer.the colleges commitment to anti- His legacy will also include the racism,creatinggreateraccessMikeEdmondsCCbasketball for students, and the partnershipcourt dedicated March 2023.withtheColoradoSpringsFine Arts Center. He served and men-So many people made my life tored countless students throughpossible,someIknewandsome hismanyyearsleadingStudentIdidnt.Theircommitmentto Life. youngpeopleandtheirpotential In celebration of Edmonds tre- served me well, Edmonds says. I hope this fund will provide means formanyfuturegenerationsof CC students. This is a way to say thank you to the many students who have made my CC experience He is the first Blackatrulyincredibleandfulfilling one.leader to serve asCCTrusteesSusieBurghart president in the77,PhilSwan84,andAmy ShackelfordLouis84haveeach colleges history andgenerouslygiven$500,000in order to launch the Mike Edmonds has been integralLegacyFundrightaway.Your contribution to the Mike Edmonds to advancing theLegacyFundwillmakeamean-ingful impact.colleges institutionalAmonghismanyaccolades, initiatives including theEdmondswasinductedintothe NationalSpeechandDebate colleges commitmentAssociation Hall of Fame, as well as the Gold Key Society at Emory to antiracism, creatingUniversity.Healsoreceivedthe Delores Taylor Arthur award from greater access fortheHolyCrossSchoolinNew OrleansandtheMartinLuther students, and theKingawardfromJamesLogan Forensics in California. The class-partnership with theroomonthefirstfloorinTutt Library is named the Frank Jr. and Colorado Springs FineHattie Mae Edmonds Experimental ClassroomaswellastheHattie Arts Center. Mae balcony at Cornerstone Arts Center,allthankstoEdmonds generous donations to the college in his parents honor.BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JANUARY 2023 follow us onfacebook 15'