b"Dr.SylMorgan-Smithwillhost Traylors visit to Denver as the head-line guest for the LIVE and In-person 52ndAnnualColoradoGospelMusic Academy&HallofFameAwards 3PMSunday,February19,2023. TheGospelMusicFestivalwillbe atNewHopeBaptistChurch,37th and Colorado Blvd, Denver CO 80205. Doors open at 2pm and the Program begins promptly at 3PM. Nominations havebeenreceivedbytheAcademy Boardandwinninghonoreeswillbe presentedinpersonatthisLets Have Church Celebration. The Rocky MountainMcDonaldOwnersand Operators are Co-sponsors of this cel-Colorado get ready!ebration. No charge and seating is on a first come basis.S isterCarolynTraylor,nativeofSisterTraylorjoinsTarrellMartin GreenvilleTexas,knownasthe Texas Powerhouse for her anointed,andtheC2MassChoir,Colorado gutsyandexpressivestyleofsing- Childrens Choir, The Spirituals Project inggospelmusicwillbeinDenverChoir,GospelHarmony,andDuo 3PM, Sunday, February 19, 2023. ShePastorJohnPolkandBrotherChris attendedTexasSouthernUniversityHearns.Dr.MichaelWilliamsisthe and has toured globally as an openingAcademysMusicDirector.Thereis act and as featured headliner. no admission charge, and everyone is invited to participate. Syl Morgan Smith, Communicator and Community Leader, was one of the first African American television news anchorwomen in Colorado. She was a weather forecaster, sportscaster, television talk show host, newspaper editor, and popular radio announcer and newscaster. In 31 years, she honored moreMLK Worship Sunday Blackand3-termmayorresponsible than 450 individuals and organizations for excellence in Christian and com-munity service, as the Founder and President of the Colorado Gospel MusicT heHonorablesWellingtonandforelevatingDenvertointernation-Academy & Hall of Fame. She served on many boards of directors includingWilmaWebbwillbehonoredatalstatusincludingopeningDenver Children's Hospital, First Interstate Bank, and Metro Denver Urban League.ShorterAMEChurch,3100RichardInternationalAirport.TheHonorable At New Hope Baptist Church she serves as an ordained deacon and memberAllenCt,Denver,CO80205duringWilmaWebbasaColoradoState of the Majestic Praise Choir. a special Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.Legislator served on the Powerful Joint WorshipSunday,morning,JanuaryBudget Committee, and succeeded in 15,, 2023.Dr. Timothy Tyler, ShortersmakingthebirthdayofDr,Martin SeniorPastorpromisesexceptionalLuther King Jr. an AnnualColorado music and preaching that day. FormerState holiday. Both of theWebbs no Denver Mayor Wellington E. Webb andlongerholdelectedoffice,butthey formerDenverLegislatorandDenvercontinue to serve Colorado in limitless FirstLadyWilmaJ.Webbarebeingvaluable ways, and their advice is still honored for his work as Denvers FirstsoughtoutandviewedasPriceless Gold.R ev Dr. James D. Peters, Jr. Pastor EmeritusofDenversNewHope Baptist Church (NHBC) will celebrate his90thBirthday12:30PM,Sunday, January 15, 2023, with family, clergy, dignitaries,andfriendsintheNHBC LifeCenter,3701Colorado,Blvd., Denver,CO.Dr.Petersisanauthor andservedasPastorofNewHope Churchfor28yearsbeforedeciding toretire.AspastorofNewHope,he led the congregation in theplanning Mrs. Medestella Holcomb and construction of the new New Hope Baptist Church and Family Life Center. T heelegantandprolificMrs.T he Spirituals Project Choir directedTheEducationandAdministrative MadestellaHolcombwenttoby Dr, M. Roger Holland, ProfessorOffices bear his name asthe James Heaven early this Christmas morning,at D.U.s Lamont School of Music Peters Education Building. While pas-December 25, 2022, at the glorious ageSunday, January 15, 2023, at 4PM.toring New Hope, Dr. Peters remained of 101 years, which was two-monthsDr. MLK, Jr. Boulder County Planningahighlysought-afterguestpreacherYou Should be an NAACP Membershyofturning102inMarch2023.Committee,Location:BoulderJewishand lecturer for American Baptist andM r. Roger Jackson, Jr. the NAACP BestknownasagiftedwriterandCommunityCenter,6007OregAve.National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.nationalChiefoffield,mem-author,shewasalsoknownforherBoulder, CO 80303 churches.HeservedasPresidentofbership,andunitswasthekeynote communityserviceanddeeploveofFriday,February3,2023,at7PM.theDenverMinisterialAllianceandspeakerfortheRockyMountain her children, grandchildren and greatAGO, Denver ChapterJoint Organ/ ChairoftheColoradoCivilRightsStatesNAACPColorado,Wyoming grandchildren. She and her grandsonSpiritualsConcert,Location:FirstCommission.Beforeandaftercom- andMontanaRegionalConference Rev.QuincyShannonwerestalwart,PlymouthCongregationalChurch,ingtoDenver,PeterswasknownasattheDenverMarriott,Techcenter, activeanddependablemembersof3501So.ColoradoBlvd.Englewood,apreacherspreacherforhistac- December 3, 2022. Jackson is an expe-New Hope Baptist Church. 80113 ticalBible-basedandwell-preparedriencedvisionary,systemsarchitect, Visitations for Mrs. Holcomb will be3.Sunday,February19,2023,atthree-pointsermons.Priortomovingand difference maker. He has already 4PM Friday, January 13, 2023, in the3PM.The52ndAnnualColo.GospeltoDenver,heservedasExecutiveimpacted the lives of individuals and Pipkin Braswell Chapel of Peace, 6601Music Academy & Hall of Fame Awards,PastorfortheSoutheastRegionoforganizations on the local, state, and E.ColfaxAve,Denver,CO80220.Location: New Hope Baptist Church theAmericanBaptistConventionnationallevelsasateacher;coach; TheCelebrationofherlifewillbe3701 Colorado Blvd. Denver, 80205 Churches. Earlier, hewas a close con- high school principal, higher education 2PMSaturday,January14,2023,4Thursday,February23,2023,atfidant and respected strategist to Dr.administrator; Congressional Chief of atNewHopeBaptistChurch,37017:30PM. The Spirituals Project WinterMartinLutherKing,Jr.,NobelPeaceStaff;andnonprofitexecutive.The ColoradoBlvd,Denver,CO80205.Concert. Location: Gates Hall BotanicPrize Winner and Civil Rights Legend. crowd was huge, and the inspiration Denver sends deepest sympathies andGardens, 1007 York St. Denver, 80206 receivedwasevenbigger.Everyone highest prayers for her family. needs to be an NAACP member2 JANUARY 2023 BOCNEWS.com"