b'WORD OF GODFORTI . continued from page 8Whowantstotakethatchance?mess.KnowingthatONEinmate I Will Not Lose You Are most City officials honest? costthestateapproximately$80 I dont have a whole lot of infor- perday,$29,000peryear,with mationwhenitcomestoothera60%returnrate,mostOfficers CitiesPoliceactivities.However,cant wait to see us come into the Icansayforsurethatlivinginfacilitieswhileothershateusfor Castle Rock for the past six yearsbringing in the Good News, and for By Mary Lu Saddoris has been a wonderful experience. Isympathizingwiththehardcores have personally met with SEVERAL(Acts16:25-34).Igotsuspended Oh, my dear, dear child. This aCRPD Officers. For the most part,from DRDC for a few months, many callforyoutoreturnuntome.Itheywereveryprofessionalandyears ago, because I was not going was your first love. You belonged totoputupwiththe,harassment, me.YoureadmyWordeachday.extremelyaccommodatingwhenabuse and misconduct. Lock these You prayed at all hours. Child, theitcomestohelpingwithnormalconvictsupandthrowawaythe distractionsoflifeandtheenemyeverydaychallenges.OneCRPDkeys!has pulled you away from me. YouOfficer has a reputation of having have become so distant and so veryan aggressive personality. BecauseTheBiblebreaksthestrong-cold to me. of a misleading and falsified report,holdsoftheSatanicpowersof Child,Iwillnotloseyou.Iwillwrittenbyher,sheisnotonlyevil. Believe it or not, many within fightforyou.Theenemycannotblemishing her fellow Officers, butPoliceEnforcementtodayneedto lure you away. He cannot have you.she is also putting her fellow com- get delivered and set free from the You are mine, my child. I can seerades to include her Chief in jeop- seducingpowersofSatan.Some the dust on your bible. I no longerardy(PenalCode118-8).CRPDOfficers who are expecting, or even hear your voice praising me. I AMadvisesthatcellvideoshouldbeforcingtheirpartnerstogoalong missing you dear one. provided to prove any wrong doing.with their misconduct, false report-HearmyvoicecallingtoyouinHowever, a cell video was providedingandcorruption,areinreal-themidnighthour.Comechild,concerning her false reporting, yetity forcing their peers to join their come unto me this very night. KnowCRPDisrefusingtoacknowledgegang, or else. that I will give you rest from all theMary Lu Saddoris it. The victim of this false reportingTherootoffearandbitterness anxiety you are feeling and living.isnowbeingdeprivedofhiscivilfrom years of street battle has hin-Child,openyourbibleandreadMy love for you is for now and for- rights. upon my Word today. My Word willderedsomefromreasoningwith guardyourheartandrenewyourever. Precious one, wake up out ofShouldthenewrecruitstakecommon sense. For the Cops who mind.Knowthatfromyourheartyour slumber. I AM calling you to bethepathofleastresistance,spillthink they are invincible, who are comesalltheissuesofyourverynot only a hearer of my Word, butthebeans,orsimplyjoininwithbreakingthelawwhiletryingto life. Come child. Come unto me thisit is time to be a doer of my Word. the corruption to avoid persecutionenforce it, are in need of help. veryday.Donotdelay.HearmyDearchild,allowmyplansforandharassment?CanthosewhoOutofgraceandmercy,God voice calling to you. yourlifetobegintounfold.PickfollowtheCodeofConducttrusttakes His time to correct while He upyourfeetandbegintowalktheir superiors? To the best of my withmeoncemore.Ihavemuchknowledge, the City of Castle Rockcontinues to protect. Several within kingdom work for you to be about.doesnt tolerate Police misconduct.lawenforcementdontappreciate Know that the love of many believ- nor respect Gods hand of protec-ers has grown so very cold. WakeThelatestOctober2022arresttionuponthem,yettheywonder up!Standup!Turntometoday. As I have said, IThetimeisgettingsoveryshort.that took place in Colorado Springswhy they are not being appreciated (video cop cam going viral), showsnor respected. My child, know that I AM coming so have much workvery soon. Be watching and waitinghowoneColoradoSpringsOfficerBelieveitornot,everyonewill for me. startedoffbyfollowingstandardstandbeforeJesusChristone in the kingdom forAs I have said, I have much workprocedureasheaskedindividu- day.TheLordwilltellussinners als who were pulled over to pleasewho have enough sense to repent, in the kingdom for you. I desire to you. I desire to useuse you in great and small ways forpresenttheirIDs.However,afterCome, you who are blessed by my the kingdom. I will use you to drawafewminutes,thingsdrastical- Father; take your inheritance, the you in great andothersuntome.Donothesitate,lychanged.ItappearedthattheKingdompreparedforyousince come child. Come unto me this veryyoung men refused to get out of thethe creation of the world. But for small ways for theday. I AM sending you to the high- car as requested by another officer.thosewhorebel,andwhodidnt ways and the byways to compel theItthenappearedthatoneofthefeartheLord,DepartfromMe, kingdom. I will usetravelers to come in and to have fel- Officers used excessive force, pull- you who are cursed into the eternal lowship with me this very day. ing the man out of the car and ontofire prepared for the devil and his you to draw othersPraywiththemmychildandthe ground.angels (Matt 25:31-46). bring them into my kingdom. TheyIt is hard to see what happened unto me. will become my forever children asduetothebodycamshufflingThere wont be any Code of Silence youarealso.Child,beaboutmyaroundwhilesubduingtheper- when people stand before the Lord business. Great will be your reward.son.Onenewsreportstatesthatone day. All will be revealed, out in Cast all of your cares upon me for Ithe driver then became a victim asthe open, right in front of the whole truly do care for you. My dear, dear,he was being kicked and punchedworld.Unfortunately,formany,it precious, precious child. bytheOfficer.Itappearsthatwill be too late. Depart from Me, I theCSPDisdenyinganywrong- never knew you. ful arrest activity. Could ColoradoPoliceOfficersarenotgetting Springs be facing a major lawsuitpaidnearlyenough.Itsamazing suit? thatanyonewouldwanttobe Inclosing,thosewhobulldogaCop.However,Policecorrup-their badge cannot fool God. Justtion needs to be exposed by those likeDavid,AlmightyGodcanliftwhoarewillingtobepersecuted HisAWESOMEhedgeofprotec- fordoingso.POLICECODEOF tionoffofanyone,thusturningCONDUCT As a Law Enforcement them over to Satan (Job Cps 1-2).Officer,myfundamentaldutyis I do fear the Lord. Thank God thattoservethecommunity;tosafe-whenIscrewup,Ihaveenoughguard lives and property; to protect Biblical sense to get on my kneesthe innocent against deception, the and ask for forgiveness.weak against oppression or intimi-dationandthepeacefulagainst IhavebeendealingwithPoliceviolence or disorder; and to respect Officers and Security Guards with- theconstitutionalrightsofallto in the four walls of the prisons forliberty, equality. Trying to enforce bocnews.com manyyears.Somemaybedeal- thelawwithoutbreakingthelaw ingwithPTSDfromworkingtheseems to be an ongoing challenge. streets while others are looking toUntil next time, Jesus is Coming retire.AftertheCopslockuptheSoon. bandits,mywifeandIwouldgo intothefacilitiestocleanuptheAre you going to be READY?!18 JANUARY 2023 BOCNEWS.com'