b'SERMONWhat\'s going on in the DSA, Divided States of America?By Bishop Al R. CombsItheLORDsomeyearsago asked "What\'s going on in this country???"I\'m certain He indicated to me that there\'saDelusionalCulticSpirit that\'s Dominating our culture.Delusional Cult!Delusional: having false or unrealis-tic beliefs or opinionsCult:acultisasocialgroupthat isdefinedbyitsunusualreligious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals,oritscommoninterestina particular personality, object, or goal.Cultic: The Jonestown Massacre was the deadliest single non-natural disas-ter in U.S. history until September 11,Al R. Combs2001. On November 18, 1978, Peoples TempleleaderJimJonesinstructedGod says, The HEART is Deceitful all members living in the Jonestown,aboveallthings,andDesperately Guyana compound to commit an actWicked; who can know it? I, the LORD, of"revolutionarysuicide,"bydrink- searchtheHEART,ItesttheMIND, ing poisoned punch. In all, 918 peopleeventogiveeverymanaccordingto died that day, nearly a third (276) ofhis ways, according to the fruit of his whom were children. doings. Jeremiah 17:9-10FLOCKS, the MAIN SOURCE of thisTherefore,weneedDivine Division is NOT, Political, Racial, Class,Intervention!Prayer!Itistimewe Economics, Ethnicity, Skin Color, Etc.Invoke/PetitionGodforHelpand It\'s a HEART COLOR (MIND) ISSUE!!! Support! And the Prayer of Faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him upThe Effective, Fervent Prayer ofarighteousmanAvailsMuch. It is time we Invoke / James 5:15-16Petition God for Help andCHURCH, It\'s PRAYER TIME!!!!!Support! JEHOVAH-JIREH-SHAMMAH-SHALOMCOLORADO SPRINGSBODY OF CHRIST NEWS JANUARY 2023 follow us onfacebook 13'