b"END TIMESThe Very Last DaysBy Michael Forti earthformedfromthedebrisorbitingaroundbasic and simple. our sun about 4billion years ago? Was it theHowcouldthisGodactuallyloveHiscre-big bang theory, nearly 14 billion years ago, ation so much, that He expresses it in a story L iving in the very last days is going to be anwhich spewed hydrogen atoms throughout thethat little children could understand. Could it exciting adventure, especially if you know theuniverse? Is this a solid explanation of how thebe so simple, that even the great minds of our outcome.Gods prophetic Word is AWESOME!sun,theearth,themoon,thestars,thesur- time have missed it? After all, God gave every-He doesnt want anyone to be caught off guardroundingplanetsandtheuniversecameintooneanowners-manualcalledtheBIBLE. when the earth starts to shake. There will beexistence?Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. There signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth,Throughout time, many have tried to explainshould be no excuses. It hasnt been easy for nationswillbeinanguishandperplexityatthat IF there is a God, who created all things,the wealthy, the sophisticated and the brilliant thenroaringandtossingofthesea.Menwillthen who really created God? Lets reverse thisminded to understand, and accepting Gods cre-faint from terror, apprehensive of what is com- thought.HowdidTIMEcomeabout?Whereation, along with His plan of salvation through ing on the world, for the heavenly bodies WILLdidthedebriscomefrom?His only Son Jesus Christ. BE SHAKEN. At that time, they will see the SonWhere did the hydrogen and of Man Coming in the clouds with POWER andatoms come from? I will tellTheyargue,Whywould GREAT GLORY.you. It all had to be created.God create people only to see WhenyouseethesethingsBEGINtotakesuffering, pain, death, sick-place,standupandliftyourheads,becauseThe answer is simple andness,waranddisease. your redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:25- obvious.GodhasalwaysWhy would God create peo-28NIV84).Youhadbetterbelieveit!Thesebeen. In the beginning waspletoeitherspendeternity things are STARTING to take place! Yes, peoplethe Word, and the Word wasin paradise or in the burning will be living life a usual, right up to the DaywithGod,andtheWordflamesofHell?Isitreally that Jesus Comes. Life as usual? Bar and schoolwas God. He was with Godthat hard to understand and shootings. The highest drug overdoses reported,inthebeginning.Throughaccept? divorce,governmentandpolicecorruption.AHimallthingsweremade;God not only created man lack of police respect. Massive lay-offs AFTERwithoutHimnothingwastothink,andtobeableto themid-terms.Politicianshavingtocheattomadethathasbeenmade.make a free choice, to either win.AGodlessgenerationwhereidolatryandIn Him was life, and that lifereceiveHiscreation,His sexual immorality is running wild wasthelightofmen.Theplanforsalvation,andHis light shines in the darkness,love, but to reject it as well. ThisgenerationcantfoolGod.TheresonlybutthedarknesshasnotBut to face the fact that the ONE TRUE God, and His Word is, Living andunderstoodit(John1:1- Godofallcreationwillone active, powerful, and sharper than any double- 5-NIV84).WhocreatedtheMichael Forti day judge the inhabitants of edged sword, piercing, it penetrates, even to thebeginning?theearthdoesnotseemto dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; itIt has been difficult for theregister with those who dont judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heartbrilliant minded to fathom the true mystery ofbelieve. (Heb 4:12 NOV 84). His awesome creation. Its OK to accept the factAtheists,allaroundtheworldhavethat all of the great inventions, factories, cars,Its OK to accept the greed, murder, rape and rejected the existence of God, Gods only Son,ships,militaryjets,computers,cellphones,corruption of all kinds, yet fail to accept that the Holy Spirit, Gods Creation, His Righteousinternet,skyscrapershaveallbeencreatedthere will be consequences. But we speak the Judgement,andHisAWESOMEPropheticby man. However, its hard for those who dontwisdomofGodinthemystery,eventhehid-Word.Throughouttime,theyhavecontinuedbelieve to accept the fact that God, the Creatorden wisdom, which God ordained BEFORE the tomakethingswaytocomplicated.Wastheoftheuniverse,couldbekeepingthingssoworld unto our glory (1 Corinth 2:7 KJV).But if we walk in the LIGHT as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the BLOOD of Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth (Jesus) is not in us (1 John 1:7-9).Its OK to accept the greed, murder, rapeGod not only created man but He also gave them an eternal plan for salvation. He knows and corruption of all kinds, yet fail tothe beginning from the end. He gives all people His incredible prophetic Word, teaching that in accept that there will be consequences.the very last of the last days, most people will notacknowledgeHisexistence.However,IF they do, they will NOT desire to have fellowship But we speak the wisdom of God in thewith Him, nor will they appreciate His offer of grace and forgiveness. Most will desire to have fellowshipwiththegodofthisworldinstead. mystery, even the hidden wisdom, whichUnfortunately,Godteachesthattherewillbe severe consequences for their futile thinking. God ordained BEFORE the world untoThereisaplacecalledheavenwhereGods faithfulwillspendeternityinparadise,thus our glory (1 Corinth 2:7 KJV).But if wefellowshippingwithHimforever.Yet,thereis a place called hell, where those who decided to serve evil, will spend eternity in fellowship with walk in the LIGHT as He is in the light, weSatan. God gives all people a free choice. in It'sacceptablefortheunsavedtobelieve have fellowship with one another, and thea higher power, aliens, the supernaturalBut toacceptthefactthatGodgaveustheHoly Spirit to guide us into all truth and to keep us BLOOD of Christ His Son cleanses uson track, they have decided to allow the great minds of today to pave the way. God gives us from all sin. His prophetic Word, warnings of things to come. He teaches, Be careful or your hearts will be weigheddownwithdissipation,drunkenness Continued on Page 138 DECEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com"