b"POWELL . from pg 12activity!! TOSHOWCHRISTSLOVETOA Yes, you let them off your hook, andLOST AND HURTING WORLD!! ifnotresolved,realizethattheyareITS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO LOVE not off God's hook!!You may feel likePEOPLEBECAUSECHRISTLOVED exacting justice, but you may not beUS!!AFTER ALL, JESUS GAVE US able to be an impartial judge!God isWHAT WE DIDNT DESERVE!!!the just Judge who will make every-thingright!!(Romans12:19).YouOur Prayer: mayhavetoforgive,stayinprayer,Heavenly Father, I give up my right and move on!!! to seek revenge or harbor resent-OURJOBISTOEXTENDTHE MERCY AND LEAVE JUDGMENT UPment.Pleasehelpme!!Iwantto TO GOD!!! enjoythefreedomwhichcomes THEOLDERWEGET,ANDTHEfrom forgiving others!!In the righ-MOREWEREALLYGROWIN CHRIST,thelessweshouldwantteous name of my Saviortoeventhinkaboutargumentsand being involved in stirring up strife!!! Amen!ITS PAST TIME FOR CHRISTIANS FORTI . continued from page 13and the anxieties of life, and thatacceptthatthereisonlyONE daywillcloseonyouunexpec- TRUE God? Ill tell you why. God tantly like a trap. For it will comegiveseveryonethefreechoiceto upon all those who live on the faceeither accept His love or reject it. of the whole earth.However,Godslovewarnsand Bealwaysonthewatch,anddisciplines,forourownprotec-praythatyoumaybeable/wor- tion.Why?Becauseournature thy to escape all that is about tocan lead us over a cliff if we are happen, and that you may be ablenot careful. God did not create a tostandbeforetheSonofManraceofrobotsthatHecanpro-(Luke 21:34-36 NIV84-KJV). gram.Hecreatedpeople,witha sin nature, giving them the ability Can you just imagine. The Godto serve good or evil. He gave us ofALLCREATIONexpressesHishope in Jesus Christ, and our best lovebysendingHisonlySontofriendandcounselortoguideus havefellowshipwithallpeople.along the way. SomanyunbelieverslovetheirTheLordteachesthatoneday lives. They love their house, theirsoon, those who dont believe will jobs, their cars, and their families.need to make a choice. To lose it Theylovegoingcamping,skiing,all to serve Jesus, or to embrace boating,fishing,hunting.Theywhat they have, only to see it burn lovetogoonvacationstootheraway.Eventhoughmanyclaim statesandcountries.Theylovethat there is no God, when they are toseeanewbirthwhilelookingbeing scorched with fire, many will forwardtolivingafulllonglife.refuse to repent while they curse Unfortunately, the brilliant mind- HisMightyName(Rev16:8-9-edtodaydontrealizeonething.James 4:13-17). We all need Jesus. Compared to eternity, we are onlyEventhebrilliantminded.Until going to be here for a very shortnext time, Jesus is Coming Soon! time. Then what?!Are you going to be READY?!Whyisitsohardformostto COLORADO SPRINGSFIND NEW MEMBERS BYADVERTISING YOUR CHURCH IN THE BOCNEWS! email information to:info@bocnews.comBODY OF CHRIST NEWS DECEMBER 2022 follow us onfacebook 13"