b'SCRIPTUREThe Power Behind the PowerG ive Me Power, that was Simons request(Acts8:18-19)being motivatedbythesameillusionof power that drives so many in todays business, political, and entertainment arenas. Even among Christians there existsastrongtendencytocreate power figures out of preachers, sing-ers, writers, and para-church leaders. But Gods power has little or nothing todowithoutwardappearanceor 1.Brent Jones - Nothing ElseNight Of Worship worldly acclaim.Matters 6.Marvin Sapp - Substance Pilateassumedthathehadmore 2.Tasha Cobbs Leonard -7.Chris Tomlin - Always powerthanJesusbecausehehad Hymns 8.Bethel Music - Simple authority to condemn Him to death. 3.Zach Williams - A Hundred(John 19:10).But Jesus knew that Highways 9.Jon Reddick - God Turn Itall power ultimately comes from God, 4.Mercy Me - Always OnlyArount eventhepowerofthestate(John Jesus 10 Angie Primm - I Feel Like19:11)&(Rom13:1).Oneonthe 5.Brooklyn Tabernacle - ASinging reasonsJesuscouldsubmittothePM WynninjusticesofHistrialwasthatHe By Dr. PM Wynn Grove lurking in its shadow is the temp-tation to abuse power.wassubmittingtoGodswill(John Jesus described the power that He 18:11).Pilateandthoseunderhimsuppliesastherightandability were merely exercising limited author- to lay down ones life for others.ity. Meanwhile, Gods purposes were Gods power has little or nothing beingfulfilled.Iaskthequestion,todowithoutwardappearances what kind of power do you haveator worldly acclaim.work,athome,communityinvolve-ment and voting? Allpowerultimatelycomesfrom God,andweareultimately Do you recognize that your author- accountabletoHimforhowwe ityultimatelycomesfromGod,anduse power.that you are ultimately accountable to Him for the use of that power?Jesus give His followers a unique kindofpowertoaccomplishHis Business,government,nonprofittasks.organizations,andchurchesallfeel Paul was competent in and com-theimpactofpeoplepursuingandfortable with the powerful Roman defendingpower.InJohnsvisionofjudicialsystemanditsproce-God triumphing over evil, God holdsdures,evenwhenhefacedoffi-the ultimate power (Rev. 11:17). cialswhodealtinbribesand WhenIreflectonwhattheNewpolitical favors,Testament teaches us about power, I The message of Christ is powerful must share some of these points withenough to transform lives.each of you. ThereistremendouspowerinThree of the most misused powers humility. It gives us strength thatareIntimidation,Falseaccusations is a gift from God to be used forand becoming Discontent. So how do His purposes wehandlesuccessorachievement? Giving God all the glory, honor, andForgivenessispowerfulandlib- praise! erating and is a power that Jesus has delegated to His followers.When others observe us and theRev. Dr. PM Wynn Grove & Pastor way we use power and authority,Lee W. Grove Jr. are the Founders they ought to see Jesus in us. ofHeavenlySentMinistries. PastorPMcanbereachedatLikefire,powercanbeusedtopmwynn9@msn.com.accomplishgood.Butalways 4 DECEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'