b"SCRIPTUREBlack Men, both the Victim and the ShooterBlackMansStreet.com He shot people several times lying on the ground, she said.What I do know is that he made sure B lack men have been both the per- whomhewanteddead,Wilczewski petratorsandvictimsofrecentsaid.Hewentbackandshotdead mass shootings bodiesthatwerealreadydead.To Blackmenweretheshootersinmake sure.separate massacres only weeks apart.PolicesaidBinghadnocriminal One,astudent-athlete,killedthreerecord.Black football players, and another, a night manager, murdered six co-work- TheWalmartshootingoccurred ersataWalmartstorebeforetakingonWednesdayfollowingtheSunday his own life. shooting at the University of Virginia.ThisisamajorchangefromotherA national honor student, who was recent mass murders in which mostlynamed student of the year in both his WhitesandHispanicshavebeenthefreshman and sophomore years in high killers.school, has been arrested and charged InMay,PaytonGendron,ayoungwith murdering three football players White man, murdered 10 Black shop- and wounding two others in a shoot-pers at a supermarket in Buffalo, Newingaftertheyreturnedtotheschool York. in Charlottesville, Virginia, from a bus trip to Washington, D.C. on Sunday.In Uvalde, Texas, at Robb ElementaryChristopher Darnell Jones Jr. of the School, Salvador Ramos, 18, a formerUniversity of Virginia is charged with student, fatally shot nineteen studentskilling Lavel Davis, Jr., a junior receiv-and two teachers.erfromDorchester,SouthCarolina; AndrecentlyinColoradoSprings,DevinChandler,ajuniorreceiver Colorado,agunmanwalkedintoanfromHunterville,NorthCarolinaand L.G.B.T.Q. nightclub on November 19,DSeanPerry,ajuniordefensiveend killingfivepeopleandinjuring21and linebacker from Miami. beforehewassubduedandbeatenJones escaped in a car but was later bytheclubsguests.Thegunmanarrested.AndersonLeeAldrich,22,couldbe seen with injuries visible on their faceHe did not enter a plea, but the judge and head in a brief video appearanceorderedhimheldwithoutbondand from jail. appointed a public defender to repre-IntheWalmartshooting,whichsent him in court.occurredinChesapeake,VirginiaonUniversityofVirginiaPoliceChief November23,AndreBing,31,mur- Tim Longo said Jones was arrested for deredsixpeopleincludingLorenzothree counts of second-degree murder Glamble, 43, Brian Pendleton, 38, andand three counts of using a handgun TynekaJohnson,22,allthreewerein the commission of a felony.Black. Jones,22,isfromPetersburg, BingalsomurderedRandyBelvinabout24milessouthofRichmond. 70, and Kallie Payle, 52, who were bothHeattendedVarinaHighSchoolin White. A boy was the seventh personHenricoCountyabout30minutes murdered, but police declined to iden- from Petersburgfor three years where tify him because he was 16 years old. he was a star football player, a mem-All those slain were Walmart employ- ber of the National Honor Society, and ees: Gamble, Pyle, Pendleton, Blevins,president of the Key Club, according to andJohnson.Theshootingoccurredthe UVA football website. in the breakroom. Jones's father claimed his son was Bing was a complicated guy. He madeparanoid, and Bing kept to himself and people laugh in one instance and thenhad no friends. demonstrated hostility, acknowledgingThisfollowsadeadlyshootingin he had 'anger issues.' Some coworkersSt.Louis,Missouri,inwhichOrland said Bring felt that he wasnt treatedHarris,aBlackformerhighschool fairly. graduate, complained that didnt have Bing pulled out his 9 mm handgun,a social life or friends, and that he had whichhehadlegallypurchasedthenever had a girlfriend.morning of the massacre, and pointedHe killed one of his former teachers itattheheadofJessicaWilczewski,and a classmate before that taking his but he then told her to go home, spar- own life.ing her. So far this year there have been 600 mass shootings nationwide.6 DECEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com"