b"WORD OF GODSCRIPTUREHear My VoiceBy Mary Lu SaddorisM ydearchild,peoplewillsay that they will do this for you. People will say that they will do that for you. But they do not do anything for you. They forget all about you.Child, know that what I say that I will do for you, that I will do. I can-not lie to you. Know that my Word to you is the Truth. My Word to you isthesameyesterday,todayand forever. Trust in me my dear one.Do not be in fear or terror. Fear is not of me, my child. The enemy can have no part of your life. Let myOh, No More Word to you be a lamp unto your feet and a light to your path. Tho the way seems so dark and drear, placeallyourhopeandtrustin only me child. I indeed will lead and guide you in all your ways. Hear mycan come nearMary Lu Saddoris Gun Violencevoice calling out to you. Know that indeed I AM a man who cannot lie. your tent or dwell-Test me my child. Taste me anding place. My righteous right hand seehowverygoodIAM.Child,is upon you now and forever more. know that there is a way that seemsI will never leave you. I will never right unto a man, but leads to selfforsake you. I will guard you in allhis grace and then we move into his destruction.Hearmywordsuntoyour ways. By Sis. Carrie McElroy mercy as we thank him for his mercy, you. Follow after me, precious one.Child,becauseyouhavewaitedand if we keep the faith these things You will go through the wind andupon me I will cause you to mountshould follow us the rest of our days. the rain. Hail and lightning will be allaroundyou.Noharmorhurtupwithwingsastheeagles.YouA sweseeDeathSurroundingusJesus tells us in Matthew; 19:26 But willflyhighaboveallobstacleseveryday,weshouldopenourJesusbeheldthem,andsaidunto that seek to hinder you. You will bemouths and thank God for a new day.them, With men this is impossible; but able to run and not be weary. YouThisisthedaytheLordhasmadewith God all things are possible. If we will walk and not be faint. You willaNewDay,adayIhaveneverseenput our faith together and remember accomplish all that I AM calling youbefore and a day I'll never see again, Iwhat man can't do, God can. We will to do. Continue to walk on with me. will rejoice and be glad in it.win over this gun violence.Go to the highwaysHearmyvoicecallinguntoyou,There have been so many young peo-child. Go to the highways and theple dying and the old people are doing the burning. My heart is so sad as the and the bywaysbywaysandcompelthetravelersgraveyard is filling up, Have we asked youmeettocomeinandhave fellowshipwithme.TellthemallGod why?, he was so young or she wasGod is waiting to and compel theaboutmeandmyloveforthem.so smart, but now theyhave entered Tell them of my forever provisionsinto the world of eternity yes we prayhear their voices so travelers you meetIhavemadeforthem.Praywithfor our children and cover them with them to receive me into their heartsthebloodofJesusChristandask,that the mountains to come in andand lives. They will become my for- DearLordtokeepmychildrenfrom ever children. They will dwell in myharm and danger but we need to tellcan be removed,have fellowshipheavenly home forever. our children to be thankful and pray for themself. Go into my harvest field this veryGod is waiting to hear their voices soand they can live with me. day.Thefieldsaresoverywhitethatthemountainscanberemoved, withharvestbuttheworkersareandtheycanliveandnotdie.Godand not die.so very few. I AM calling you to go forth now dear one. Do not hesitate.promised us seventy years of life. As Be about my business. Know, thatwemoveintothegraceofGod,he I AM coming so very soon. My dear,shows us that we are still standing in dear, precious, precious child.bocnews.com18 DECEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com"