b'By David Lord is climate change.I challenge anyone to point out any positive, con-I cant think of a more meaningless concept thatstructive measures this Administration has done to improve the lives of average Americans. In less than I nthe1999filmTheMatrix,themaincharacterhas had a more devastating impact than those twotwo years under this Administration we have record Neo is offered the choice of taking a blue pill or awords. The arrogance it takes to presume humansinflation with the price of housing, food, and gas ever red pill. If he took the blue pill nothing would changecan destroy or save this planet is a topic for anotherincreasing; a thirty-one trillion dollar budget deficit; and he could return to his mundane day-to-day exis- time. The simple facts are there have been warm- crime rates through the roof; millions of illegal for-tence as defined by those controlling the Matrix. OrerandcolderperiodsonEarthwithminimaloreign nationals entering the country unchecked for he could take the red pill and escape the false narra- nohumanpresence.Weremorethancapableofdiseaseorcriminalhistory;deadlydrugslikefen-tive the authorities had constructed to anesthetize,destroying ourselves, but the planet, not so much!tanyl that are three times more likely to kill young placate, and control the populace.Even John Kerry, the vaunted climate czar who trav- adults than Covid; and parents objecting to a grown Just before the 2020 Presidential election I wroteels the globe preaching the gospel of climate change,man twerking his buttocks in the face of their six-an article for this publication titled Woke or Awake.has admitted that even if we achieved zero emissionsyear old being labeled a domestic terrorist! All this In it I detailed how the priorities of the Democrathere, the problem would still exist because almostjusttosatisfythelunaticfringeoftheDemocrat party had radically changed and no longer reflected90% of global emissions occur outside of the Unitedparty!theconcernsoftheblackcommunityandwhatStates. Just think of the utopian world promoted by would happen as a consequence. Im not a prophetthe left where everyone drives electric cars and theWhilethescenarioinTheMatrixwasfictional, or the son of a prophet, but am capable of recogniz- reality of what would have happened if that had beenvotersinthe2022mid-termelectionsarefaced ing and accepting reality. The Democrat party hasthe case when Hurricane Ian hit Florida. with a critical, real-world choice: continue down a beenhijackedbyacabalofleft-wingelitistswhoThe litany of ailments affecting black communitiespath that has made our lives less safe and prosper-despisetheverynationandpeoplewhoaretheover the past three years is lengthy. The unlawfulous or return to policies and practices that ensure source of their power and prosperity. This currentkilling of George Floyd touched off rioting and loot- peace, prosperity and the freedom to still achieve the Administration is a textbook example of how not toing that cost lives and tens of millions of dollars inAmerican Dream. run a country and economy. damage,mostlytosmall,independentmerchants. The laundry list of disasters, both domestic andWhere it could have been a catalyst to foster serious foreign,perpetratedbythisAdministrationarediscussions on the role of policing in the black com-breathtaking. I just want to examine two items thatmunity, reforms, and redress of wrongs, it became a have had the most negative impact on the day-to-daysanctioned excuse for criminality. Certain elementsThe laundry list of lives of black Americans: inflation and crime.of policing have undoubtedly been a problem, but it Whenthispresidenttookoffice,theinflationis evident that it is not the problem in black com- disasters, both domestic munities. Defunding the police has not resulted in ratewasunder2%,nowitsover8%.Inlesssafer streets, but has become a license for predators than two years, the inflation rate has quadrupled!towreakhavocontheweakandelderly.Nobailand foreign, perpetrated Realistically, the core inflation rate is much higherprovisions release habitual offenders back onto the becausetheConsumerPriceIndex(CPI)excludesstreets to murder and maim. How many lives wouldby this Administration are food and energy costs in its calculations. How manyhave been saved if these individuals had remained of us do without those two items? in custody? breathtaking. I just want The mind-boggling aspect to this inflationary spikeThis lawlessness and brutality is overlooked and/isthatitwasabsolutely,positivelyunnecessary!or tolerated by the same officials who have their ownto examine two items that During his campaign, this president vowed that ifpersonalsafetyensuredbytaxpayerdollars.And elected he would decimate the oil and gas industries.letsbehonest,mostofthedepravityispartandhave had the most negative On his very first day in office he signed an Executiveparcel of liberal, Democrat-run cities and states. The Order that placed such onerous restrictions of gashomicideratesofChicago,Philadelphia,andNewimpact on the day-to-day and oil exploration that companies were unwilling toYork City are indefensible. To add insult to injury, make the investments to ensure they could meet thetwoofthesethreecitieshaveblackmayors.Howlives of black Americans: nations energy needs and still make a profit. Why,many more people must needlessly die before police youask,wouldsomeonedosomethingsoidioticfundingisrestoredandevenincreasedtocombatinflation and crime.as to cut off the lifeblood of our economy. It makesthis rising tide of violence? How many more funer-as much sense as issuing an Executive Order thatals must we attend before we demand accountability punishes farmers for growing food! Well the answerfrom our elected officials?8 NOVEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'