b'END TIMESWhen will Jesus Return?By Michael Forti thatseesmanyfalseChristianimpersonatorswell all go anyway. If most will not be READY, come into the limelight, will be the generationWAITING or WATCHING, how could they know that will see Him come. For many will come inthe season?Will everyone who says, Lord, Lord, go whenmy Name, claiming, I am the Christ, and willThe Bible teaches that people all around the Jesuscomes?TheBibleteachesthatmostdeceiveMANY(Matt24:4-5).Thistranslates,worldwillbelivinglifeasusualwhenJesus will be left behind. The last days churches inthat imposters will come, teaching that Jesus iscomes,justthewaytheywereinthedaysof Revelationwillhavemixedreviews.TheLordthe Christ, yet will deceive many. Noah and Lot. In Noahs day, only 8 were saved. teaches that Ephesus has LEFT their First LoveWhatarethemainsignsofthetimesthatIn Lots day, only 3 were saved. When the Son withoutevenknowingit.ThepersecutedandwillindicatethattheLordisComingSoon?of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noahs faithfulchurchofSmyrnawillreceivetheirYes,wewillseeanincreaseofforestfires,day. In those days, the people enjoyed banquets Crowns.Eventhoughsomewerefaithfulintornadoes,earthquakes,hurricanes,drought,and parties and weddings right up to the time Pergamum,theystillholdtotheteachingsoffamine We will see false Christian teachersNoah entered his boat and the flood came and the Balaam and the Nicolaitans. Thyatira hascomeandgo.Wewillheardestroyed them all. And the great works yet continues to allow the spirit ofof wars and rumors of wars.worldwillbeasitwasin Jezebel to dominate their doctrine. The churchWe will witness the possibil- the days of Lot. People went of Sardis thinks they are alive without realizingityofnuclearbombsflyingabouttheirdailybusiness-that they are dead. The church of Philadelphiathrough the air. Who knows,eatinganddrinking,buy-will be blessed with an open door that no oneMountSaintHelenscoulding and selling, farming and can shut. They will escape the coming wrath,eruptanytime,wipingoutbuilding-untilthemorning andtheywillreceivetheirCrowns.Theluke- mostoftheUnitedStatesLot left Sodom. Then fire and warmchurchofLaodiceawillbespitoutofinamomentsnotice.Anburning sulfur rained down the mouth of Jesus for thinking that they areasteroid could hit the earthfromheavenanddestroyed wealthy and in need of nothing. Yet they dontand the world could come tothem all. Yes, it will be busi-realizethattheyarewretched,pitiful,pooran end. What is really fore- ness as usual right up to the blind and naked.castedwithintheBookofday when the Son of Man is The Word teaches that Almighty God will sendRevelation? revealed (Revealed-when He a wake-up call to everyone who lives on the faceWhatisthemainsignofcomes-Luke 17:26-30 NLT). oftheearth,believers,non-believers,allreli- thetimesthatwillindicateKeep this in mind. If you gions and governments, just to let them knowthatourLordisComingclingtoyourlife,youwill that our time is about up. You will hear of, warsSoon? The church will be tooloseit,andifyouletyour and revolutions, yet do not be frightened. Thesepreoccupiedwiththeworldlife go, you will save it (Luke things must happen first, but the end will notthan with the will of God. I17:32-33NLT).Itappears come right away (Luke 21:8-9). Nation will riseknow your deeds; you haveMichael Forti thattheLordwantspeople against nation and kingdom against kingdom.areputationofbeingalive,tomakeachoiceforHim Therewillbegreatearthquakes,faminesandbut you are dead. WAKE UP! BE WATCHFUL!andnotforthethingsofthisworld.Itonly pestilences in various places and fearful eventsStrengthen what remains and is about to die,makes sense that he wants people to make a and great signs from heaven (Luke 21:10-11). for I have not found your deeds complete in thechoice while the going is good, and when they Thequestionremains.Howclosearewe?sight of My God. Remember, therefore, what youhave an option.WhenwillJesuscomebacktodealwiththishave received and what you have heard; obey it,There will be many will be scoffing. First of anti of Christ society? The Bible clearly teachesand REPENT. But if you do not WAKE UP! BEall, you must understand that in the last days that the generation that sees the catastrophicWATCHFUL!Iwillcomelikeathief,andyouscoffers will come, scoffing and following their signs of the times start to INCREASE, will bewill not know at what time I will come to youown evil desires. They will say, where is this thegenerationthatwillseeHimcome.All(Rev3:1-3NIV-KJV).IsmuchofthechurchcomingHepromised?Eversinceourfathers these are the beginning of birth pains (Mathewtodaypreachinggetrightorgetleft,turnordied,everythinggoesonasithassincethe 24:4-8).TheLordteachesthatthegenerationburn? Or, It doesnt matter when Jesus comes,beginning of creation (2 Pet 3:3-4 NIV 84).Ready or not, our Lord is coming for a bride thatwantstobewithHim.However,ifthe hearts and minds are into the adultery of this world, how could the church remain faithful to their Lord. Remember the church of Sardis? If you do not WAKE UP and be WATCHFUL, I will What is the main sign of the times that willcome like a thief and you will not know at what time I will come to you (Rev 3:1-3 NIV). Waking upandremainingwatchfulmeansyourestill indicate that our Lord is Coming Soon? TheALIVE! Try not to fall asleep!Nooneknowsthedayorthehourofour church will be too preoccupied with the worldLords return for His bride. However, His true bridewillbeabletoseethedayapproaching (Heb10:25).ForIamalreadybeingpoured than with the will of God. I know your deeds;out like a drink offering and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, you have a reputation of being alive, but youI have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me a CROWN of righ-teousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, are dead. WAKE UP! BE WATCHFUL!will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed and have loved forHisAPPEARING(2Tim4:6-8NIV84-KJV). Strengthen what remains and is about to die,The one thing Im sure of. I would rather have my Crown instead of the things of this world. The Lord is Coming Soon for those who truly for I have not found your deedsLOVE Him. Going to church does not save you, knowing Him in your heart does. By their fruit complete in the sight of My God.youwillknowthem(Matt7:16NIV).LordI praythatafterIpreachtoothersthatIwill not be disqualified from the PRIZE! Until next time, Jesus is Coming Soon! Are you going to be READY?!12 NOVEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'