b'PUBLIC NOTICE SERMONS aludFamilyHealthCenterstureofsoilandtrashwhenitA Double Life(Auroralocation)willholdawasclosed.Someofthemate-publicmeetingNovember17,rialsintheditchcouldrepre-2022 from 6-7pm at the DaytonsentanenvironmentalconcernIT WAS BY FAITH that Moses, Street Opportunity Center locat- if encountered during construc- when he grew up, refused to edat1445DaytonSt.Auroration.be called the son of Pharaoh\'s CO,toadviseandengagetheSaludhasworkedwiththedaughter.He chose to share Aurora community on its plansColoradoDepartmentofPublicthe oppression of God\'s people to seek a grant from the UnitedHealthandtheEnvironmentinstead of enjoying the fleeting States Environmental Protection(CDPHE)tolimitanyenviron- pleasures of sin!AgencysFY2023Brownfieldsmentalimpactsfromthemate-program. If received, Salud wouldrialsintheditchduringcon-Hebrews 11:24-25 use the EPA funds to support thestruction.Saludsworkwith developmentaofacommunityCDPHEtoenterthepropertyBy Apostle Lawrence E & healthservicecenterlocatedatin Colorados Voluntary CleanupDr. Sandra Powell16800 E. Colfax Avenue Aurora,andRedevelopmentProgram, CO 8001 to serve the Aurora andwhich includeda cleanup plan surrounding communities.tosafelyaddressanyenviron- T HERECANBEANINITIAL The Property has been vacantmentalconditionsencounteredEXCITEMENT WHEN WE SIN. orusedforagriculturalpur- during construction in a mannerOFCOURSE,ITDOESN\'TLAST poses since at least 1937. A for- that protects human health andLONG!The Bible says that Moses mer agricultural irrigation ditchthe environment."chosetosharetheoppressionLawrence & Sandra Powellon the property was closed andCDPHEhasreviewedandof God\'s people instead of enjoy-filledsometimeinthe1950s.approvedthecleanupplan.ing the fleeting pleasures of sin!" TheresultsofenvironmentalSalud looks forward to engaging(Hebrews 11:25, emphasis added).are getting away with it and that investigationsrecentlyconduct- withthecommunityaboutthisThe Bible also says "the wages ofyou can actually have the best of ed at the property indicate thatexciting project. sin is death!" (Romans 6:23). bothworlds!You\'veconvinced the ditch was filled with a mix- THE FIRST TIME you get awayyourself that you can live a double with whatever it is you shouldn\'tlife!You might even say that you have done, you think, I can reallyfeelgoodaboutit.BUTYOUR be a Christian and still do all ofFEELINGSCANMISLEADYOU! thisstufftoo!YoubelieveyouAnditwilleventuallyallcome crashing down!!SOMETIMESWHENGOD DOESN\'T BUST US RIGHT AWAY for our stupidity, we think we can always get away with it!When we You\'ve convinceddon\'treaptheimmediateconse-quences of a sin, we might even, yourself thatin our warped thinking, rational-ize what we are doingyou can live aYetEcclesiastes8:11says, "Because the sentence against an double life!BUTevil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of YOUR FEELINGSmen is fully set in them to do evil!" Don\'tconfuseGod\'sgracewith CAN MISLEADHispermission,andevenworse, His blessing!!!YOU!And it willSINWILLBLINDYOU,AND eventually all comeTHENITWILLFINDYOU!!! Beloved,youcanbesureyour crashing down!! sinwillfindyouout!(Numbers 32:23)Dont be misled by your feelings! TRYING TO LIVE A DOUBLE LIFE IS NOT FOR YOU!!!bocnews.com16 NOVEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'