b'COMMUNITYRadiation Shuts School Doors for 1.Brent Jones - Nothing Else6.Bethel Music - Simple Black StudentsMatters 7.Chris Tomlin - Always2.Tasha Cobbs Leonard -8.Zach Williams - A HundredFrom BlackMansStreet.com Theschoolhasastudentpopula-Hymns Highways tion that is 82.9%African American 3.Brian C. Wilson -9.Steven C. Chapman - Still and 12.0% White. The school serves a Transitions 10 Brooklyn Tabernacle -J anaElementarySchool,whichmaximum of 409 students. St.Louis, 4.Marvin Sapp - SubstanceA Night Of Worship servesastudentbodyofmostlyU.S.Rep.CoriBush,of 5.Mercy Me - Always OnlyBlackstudents,hasclosedandhascalled for immediate cleanup.Jesus switchedtovirtuallearningbecause radiation from atom bomb waste has[Wehavelearnedthat]"radioactive been found on the school grounds andbombwastehasbeenfoundinand near the school property. around Jana Elementary in Hazelwood. JanaschoolofficialsannouncedThese are dangerous chemicals in the that the school, located in Florissant,classrooms where our children learn, Missouri, will close for the remainderon the playground where our children of the current semester. play,andinthecafeteriawhereour childreneatanditsanemergency This is causing a disruption to ourthatrequiresanurgentresponse," studentseducationandschoolenvi- Bush said.ronment;forthiswesincerelyapol- An ongoing lawsuit claims that the ogize,saidSchoolBoardPresidentradioactive waste found at the school Besty Rachel on Tuesday. was 22 times higher than the accept-Mallinckrodt Chemical Co. processedable level.massive amounts of uranium ore north ofdowntownSt.Louisfrom1942to 1957. The Army Corp. of engineers found elevated levels of uranium in samplesA predominantly taken from the banks of a creek near Jana Elementary, according to a reportblack elementary produced by Boston Chemical Co. Theinitialsignsandsymptomsofschool has had treatableradiationsicknessareusu-ally nausea and vomiting. The amountto move to virtual oftimebetweenexposureandwhen thesesymptomsdevelopisacluetolearning due to howmuchradiationapersonhas absorbed. nuclear waste found Afterthefirstroundofsignsand symptoms,apersonwithradiationon school grounds.sickness may have a brief period with noapparentillness,followedbythe onset of new, more serious symptoms.COMPLIMENTS OF DR. BARBARA SHANNON BANISTERC A L L ACCESS AURORA MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE - INFORMATION CENTER303-739-79004 NOVEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'