b'Mr.DougEmhoff,The2ndPres.,GMDMA/executivewiththe GentlemanandhusbandofUSVPColorado Pipe Fitters Local Union at KamalaHarris(middle),showninan,PortiaPrescott(2ndfromleft)- Denver with Hon. Jena Griswold (2ndPres. of Rocky Mountain NAACP, and fromright)-ColoradoSecretaryofRhonda Fields (right) - Senator, CO State,Pastor Thomas Mayes (left) - cal entities, businesses and faith leaders to build coali-tions that advance the com-mon good. She is best known asthecurrentPrincipal ofOnTheseThingsand Co-authorofForColored Girls Who Have Considered Politics.Thefocusofher remarks was "Black Women Lead,"asshecarriedthe audiencebackinhistory toreviewaccomplishments TheColoradoBlackWomenforofesteemedBlackWomen, PoliticalAction-CBWPAhostede.g.HarriettTubmanandNewYork their 44thAnnual Tribute to BlackCongresswomanShirleyChisholm. WomenLuncheonattheDenverCBWPA presented awards to women Center for Performing Arts Ballroom infor excellency in categories that includ-Downtown Denver, Saturday, OctoberedPolitics,Education,Business, 15, 2022. President Bianka EmersonHealthCare,CivilRightsandFaith Syl Morgan Smith,Communicator and Community Leader, was one of the(picturedonleft)handedoutthoseMinistry. Present and grateful for the first African American television news anchorwomen in Colorado. She was acovetedawardstodeservingwomenCBWPAendorsementincludedthe weather forecaster, sportscaster, television talk show host, newspaper editor,beforeabout800guests.Thepin- following elected officials, US. Senator and popular radio announcer and newscaster. In 31 years, she honored morenacle agenda moment involved GuestMichaelBennett,Congresswoman than 450 individuals and organizations for excellence in Christian and com- speaker Rev. Dr. Leah Daughtry (pic- DianeDeGette,CongressmanJoe munity service, as the Founder and President of the Colorado Gospel Musictured on right), nationally recognizedNeguse,ColoradoAttorneyGeneral Academy & Hall of Fame. She served on many boards of directors includingorganizer, activist, political strategist,Phil Weiser, Secretary of State, Jena Children\'s Hospital, First Interstate Bank, and Metro Denver Urban League.author,andFaithleader.DaughtryGriswold, and Dave Young for State At New Hope Baptist Church she serves as an ordained deacon and memberstandsattheintersectionofFaithTreasurer. Dr. Syl Morgan-Smith was of the Majestic Praise Choir. and politics, as she works with orga- Mistress of Ceremoniesnizations, community activists, politi-DenverSectionofNationalCouncilofValorieYarbrough-1stVicePresident, NegroWomen(NCNW)InstallsNewPortiaMalone-2ndVicePresident, OfficersDeborahTucker-Treasurer,Sherry The Denver Section of National Council ofDelaney-Chaplain,SheliaGrumbach- Negro Women held its Annual Installation ofParliamentarianandPastPresident,Dr. Officers, Membership Drive and Hat ParadeClaudetteSweetasHistorian.Dr.Mary ContestatNewHopeBaptistChurchinMcLeod Bethune founded NCNW in 1935, Denver, Colorado, Saturday, September 17,and the Denver Section NCNW was orga-2022.Thisgrand"SisterhoodLuncheonnizedin1946byMrs.RaiC.Bright. Celebration"wasastandingroomonlyToday, with international headquartersin crowdofwellgroomed,productive,inter- Washington,DC.,theNationwideNCNW generational"fashionistas",thatwereSectionsarededicatedtoimprovingthe thrilled to be together in-person after meet- quality of life for women of color in health, ingonZoomforthepasttwoyears.Theeducation, housing, voting rights and eco-new Officers are Pamela Miller- President,nomic empowerment through advocacy and service.(Info provided by Dr. Sweet)2 NOVEMBER 2022 BOCNEWS.com'